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Crimean Tatars' mejlis leader uses Armenian Genocide topic as blackm

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  • Crimean Tatars' mejlis leader uses Armenian Genocide topic as blackm

    Crimean Tatars' mejlis leader uses Armenian Genocide topic as
    blackmail - UA-Report

    June 15, 2013 | 13:43

    The moves by some politicians, who are prepared to touch upon other
    topics for the sake of their own interests, continue to take aback, informs.

    Mustafa Dzhemilev is Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar
    People and a member in the Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Council; i.e., the
    Parliament) of Ukraine. His son is accused of murder.

    In connection with the registration of the Armenian Genocide
    recognition bill at the Rada, he stated: `The number of Turkic peoples
    in Ukraine is several times higher than the number of Armenians. The
    authors of the bill should understand the threats its recognition will

    `Mustafa Dzhemilev cannot directly blackmail the opposition party
    members and threaten to leave the [party] faction. But he needs to
    save his son. That is why Dzhemilev decided to blackmail with a
    `leftist' topic: the Armenian Genocide,' Ukrainian political theorist
    Anatoliy Sharia wrote in Polemika portal.

    But it is not clear why the recognition of the Armenia Genocide causes
    so much concern for Mustafa Dzhemilev. The topic is refers to the
    Ottoman Empire, and not the Crimean Khanate.

    As Armenian informed earlier, Ukraine may recognize the
    Armenian Genocide. A bill, with respect to recognizing the mass
    annihilation of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, was registered on
    June 6 in the Verkhovna Rada. Arsen Avakov, Vilen Shatvoryan, and Nver
    Mkhitaryan are the persons behind this law proposal.

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