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Raffi Hovannisian launches regular tour of Armenia's regions

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  • Raffi Hovannisian launches regular tour of Armenia's regions

    Raffi Hovannisian launches regular tour of Armenia's regions

    June 15, 2013 | 14:00

    YEREVAN. - New murders are expected in Armenia unless Suren
    Khachatryan receives punishment, Raffi Hovannisian said.

    Former presidential candidate touched upon the tragic incidents that
    happened in Goris, near the house of former Syunik Region governor
    Suren Khachatryan.

    Hovannisian, leader of Heritage party, is confident that impunity
    provokes new crimes.

    `Tomorrow we will travel to Syunik Region for several days. Then, we
    will head to Shirak, Lori and Tavush regions. We plan to visit all
    regions of Armenia during the simmer and meet with the citizens,'
    Hovannisian said during the Saturday press conference.

    He stressed that the people, the civil society, have to decide whether
    they want to create a `New Armenia'.

    `The fight must be sustained,' he concluded.

    Photo by Arsen Sargsyan/

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