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Crimean Tatars Oppose Ukraine's Genocide Recognition Bill

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  • Crimean Tatars Oppose Ukraine's Genocide Recognition Bill

    Monday, June 17th, 2013

    Mustafa Dzhemilev

    KIEV-A bill recognizing the Armenian Genocide introduced in Ukraine's
    Parliament has angered the chairman of so-called Mejlis of the Crimean
    Tatar People, reported the Yerkramas Armenian newspaper published in
    Krasnodar, Russia.

    "Even if the bill passes the Parliament, I don't believe the President
    will have enough will to sign it," Mustafa Dzhemilev, the Crimean
    Tatar leader and member of the Ukranian Parliament said.

    He called the legislation an "inconsiderate and unsound step" by the
    Ukrainian Parliament.

    "The number of Turkic people in Ukraine is much greater than that of
    Armenians. The authors of the bill should be aware of the consequences
    its adoption could lead to," Dzhemilev said, adding that Ukraine's
    relations with Azerbaijan, Turkey and other Turkic nations could be
    jeopardized in the event of the bill's passage.

    Dzhemilev was quoted by news agency as saying that
    he will talk to Arsen Avakov, one of the co-authors of the bill,
    who is a member of his own Batkivshchyna Party.

    "I will tell him that this step is unacceptable. If the faction
    supports the decision, I will withdraw from it. At the same time,
    we'll tell other parliament members that the measure would be a blow
    to Ukraine's foreign policy," he said.

    Dzhemilev also warned of wide-spread protests by Turkic people
    in Ukraine.

    The bill on the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1922 perpetrated at the
    hands of the Ottoman Empire was introduced in the Ukrainian Supreme
    Rada. The document has been authored by member of the Batkivshchyna
    Party Arsen Avakov, members of the Party of Regions Vilen Shatvoryan
    and Never Mkhitaryan.

    From: A. Papazian