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Turkey's False Nostalgia

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  • Turkey's False Nostalgia


    Op-Ed Contributor


    Published: June 16, 2013

    ISTANBUL - THE demonstrators who have filled the streets of Istanbul
    and other Turkish cities for nearly three weeks complain that Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Justice and Development Party, known
    as the A.K.P., has adopted an increasingly authoritarian attitude that
    threatens basic freedoms. They also resent his tendency to meddle in
    the personal lives of citizens - by condemning abortion or trying to
    control the sale and consumption of alcohol.

    But Mr. Erdogan isn't the first Turkish leader to have flirted with
    authoritarianism and social engineering. This is important to remember,
    since many of his opponents tend to hark back to a nostalgic past,
    best illustrated by the profusion of Turkish flags and images of the
    republic's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

    Before claiming that Mr. Erdogan's moves can be countered by returning
    to the foundations of the secular republic, we should recall that
    Turkey was not a democracy until 1950; that it was ruled consecutively
    from 1923 to 1946 by two unchallenged leaders, Ataturk and Ismet
    Inonu, each invested with dictatorial powers; and that its democracy
    was "interrupted" three times by military coups or interventions, in
    1960, 1971 and 1980, not to mention a failed one in 1997. Moreover,
    Turkish "secularism" often marginalized and oppressed those who openly
    displayed their beliefs; head-scarf-wearing women were banned from
    universities, and few protections were given to religious minorities.

    Turkey's past has little to offer in terms of democratic inspiration.

    Ironically, there is hardly any difference between the nostalgia for
    Ataturk-era secularism and the A.K.P.'s glorification of the Ottoman
    imperial past. Both rest on the reinvention of an imagined golden age -
    the former with a secularist emphasis, and the latter with a focus on
    Islamic identity. And both look back fondly on authoritarian regimes,
    which makes them all the less credible as political models for a
    democratic present and future.

    The current protest movement isn't about the past; it is about
    today and tomorrow. It started because a new generation wanted to
    defend Gezi Park, a public green space, against the violent, abusive
    manner in which the government sought to sacrifice it to the gods of
    neo-liberalism and neo-Ottomanism with a plan to build a replica of
    Ottoman barracks, a shopping mall and apartments.

    The real challenge for the protesters, therefore, is to ensure that
    this movement is not hijacked by a Kemalist backlash that seeks to
    reduce Turkey's complex social problems to a simplistic dichotomy
    between Islam and secularism.

    What Mr. Erdogan is currently undermining and destroying isn't an
    imagined golden age of a secular and democratic Turkey, which never
    really existed, but rather the "etat de grāce" that followed his
    party's first electoral victory in 2002. For five or six years, the
    A.K.P. used democracy as its only defense against the authoritarian
    ways of the old guard - the coalition formed by the secular political
    parties and the army, long considered the guarantor of secularism.

    It is disturbing that Mr. Erdogan, after years of successfully fighting
    the legacy of military control, has now chosen to revive precisely
    the same methods and strategies that characterized his predecessors'
    rule. Banking on the combined power of religion and nationalism in
    a country whose population is known for its conservative attitudes
    on both counts, he is seeking to do with the help of the police what
    previous governments did with the help of the army.

    Just as it seemed that the protesters had sealed their victory and
    forced the government to recognize their legitimacy, another brutal
    police crackdown began on Saturday evening. To make matters worse, Mr.

    Erdogan is now inciting and mobilizing his own supporters in a
    dangerous game of intimidation and escalation. Unless moderates in
    his own party abandon their unquestioning submission to his leadership
    and speak out, the situation could deteriorate further.

    Turkey has come to a point where the government, setting aside timid
    attempts at conciliation, seems intent on waging all-out war against
    any opposition to its policies. A crisis that could have been managed
    through a democratic process has now escalated to a frightening level
    of polarization and violence.

    A.K.P. leaders need to understand that true secular democracy is the
    only viable way to guarantee the rights and freedoms of all citizens,
    including Muslims. And Mr. Erdogan's opponents must grasp that true
    secularism, contrary to its earlier Kemalist incarnation, requires
    that the principles of democracy be applied to all members of society.

    Unfortunately, the new egalitarian discourses rising from Gezi Park
    risk being drowned out in the clamor of an outdated political struggle.

    Edhem Eldem is a professor of history at Bogazici University.
