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'Hateful' Speech In Istanbul: Erdogan Throws Fuel On Flames

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  • 'Hateful' Speech In Istanbul: Erdogan Throws Fuel On Flames


    By Maximilian Popp and Mirjam Schmitt

    He cleared out Gezi Park with brutal violence, disparaged the
    protesters as terrorists and railed against the foreign media. After
    a brief conciliatory respite, Prime Minster Erdogan is inflaming the
    conflict in Turkey once more. But the protest movement shows no signs
    of backing down.

    For a short time it looked as if Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan would relent, as if he had learned something from the revolt
    against his government that has taken place over the past weeks.

    In the middle of the week, he met with demonstrators who are commited
    to the preservation of Istanbul's Gezi Park. He said that judges would
    deliberate on the future of the controversial park and held out the
    prospect of a referendum. Would Erdogan, the despot of the past two
    weeks, transform himself into a mediator? Since Sunday night at the
    latest, the answer has been a resounding no.

    At a rally in Ankara on Saturday, Erdogan reiterated that he was
    reaching the limits of his patience. After night fell, his security
    forces put these words into force. They used bulldozers to clear out
    Gezi Park, which had become a symbol of the resistance in recent days.

    They chased protesters and beat them down with clubs, and they shot
    tear gas into cafes and hotels as the people fled. Doctors who treated
    the wounded were arrested.

    But on Sunday, demonstrators in Turkey returned to the streets to
    protest the government. At the same time Erdogan gave a memorable
    speech in Istanbul. Liberal commentators described it as "frightening"
    and "hateful."

    Hundreds of thousands of Erdogan supporters who had been bussed in
    from throughout the region gathered in a field along the coast. They
    carried Turkish flags and portraits of the prime minister. Officials
    with Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP), including European
    Union Affairs Minister Egemin Bagis, spurred on the crowd.

    Erdogan Agitates Conflict

    Then Erdogan took to the stage. His supporters chanted "Turkey!

    Turkey!" as he raised his arms triumphantly. Of one thing there is no
    doubt: The Turkish premier did not come to Istanbul as a mediator. And
    it was conflict he was looking for -- not reconciliation.

    Erdogan evoked a Turkish Empire, greeting his supporters in the
    Balkans, in Angola and in Iraq. "Where is Sarajevo? Where is Gaza
    tonight?" he called out. His voice cracked, and, at that moment, he
    no longer seemed like the democratically elected prime minister of
    one of the world's largest economies. Instead he struck the figure
    of a crazed despot.

    Erdogan then addressed the foreign media: "CNN, Reuters, leave us
    alone with your lies!" he exclaimed. For days now, Erdogan has sought
    to discredit the protests -- which began as a campaign against the
    demolition of a park in Istanbul and expanded into a nationwide revolt
    against the AKP-led government -- as a conspiracy conducted by foreign
    powers. "These forces want to harm Turkey," he said.

    Finally, he addressed the protesters directly, once again calling
    them terrorists and plunderers. They aren't real Turks, Erdogan
    said, adding that they should be handled with caution. "Those who
    work against Turkey will tremble with fear," he warns, adding that
    he will hold accountable any hotelier who hides these "terrorists."

    Erdogan's speech may yet prove to be fateful for the leader. The
    atmosphere is already charged, and now Erdogan is throwing more fuel
    on the fire. Rather than reach out to the protesters, he disparages
    them. But with each attack he is only driving more people out onto the
    street. Early on, the protest proved effective at bringing together
    citizens from various social backgrounds.

    As Erdogan spoke on Sunday, young demonstrators in Istanbul watched
    the speech on television -- students, artists, lawyers. They were
    stunned and unable to believe their prime minister has denounced them
    as enemies of the state.

    "Istanbul, are we one? Istanbul, are we united? Istanbul, are we
    brothers?" Erdogan shouted after nearly two hours. By this point,
    a few kilometers away, tens of thousands of demonstrators had once
    more gathered at Taksim Square. Despite the police and their clouds
    of tear gas, the protesters continued to march and demand Erdogan's
