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Ankara: Code Name Istanbul Uprising

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  • Ankara: Code Name Istanbul Uprising


    Yeni Safak, Turkey
    June 16 2013

    It transpired that the Gezi Park protests, which Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan claimed to have been informed about "three months
    prior to the events," were taken up at a think tank meeting in the
    United States months before the onset of the incidents. In a meeting
    held in February 2013, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), which
    "conducts activities with the support of the American Israel Public
    Affairs Committee, AIPAC," laid on the table an "Istanbul Uprising"
    scenario with the aim of "keeping alive the apolitical Turkish
    youths by leading them to the streets." The meeting, in which the AKP
    [Justice and Development Party] government's activities and Turkey's
    developments in the last decade were discussed, was attended by the
    Neo-Cons, who are world renowned personalities in what concerns the
    Middle East: Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Bernard Lewis, Elliot
    Abrams, Richard Perle, John Bolton, William Kristol, and Douglas Feith.

    Let Us Turn Taksim Into Tahrir

    The icons of the American neo-conservative lobby who work as advisors
    at the Hudson Institute -- which, in 2007, had taken up scenarios such
    as the assassination of Tulay Tugcu, president of the constitutional
    court of the period, and the detonation of a big bomb in Taksim -- have
    discussed the Middle East regional policies based on the developments
    in Turkey and in Egypt, at the institute's meeting in February. There
    were also six Turks at the meeting that was hosted by the AEI, and
    where a virtual simulation of the present developments in Istanbul was
    staged. One of the personalities at the table stated that the Taksim
    Square could be turned into Tahrir and could thus give the world the
    impression of a "Turkish Spring." He said: "Every square in the world
    has an identity. Taksim is known because of May Day events.

    Great demonstrations held by the people will give Taksim an identity,
    and Taksim too, just like Tahrir, will gain an identity..."

    Streets Must Be Kept Alive

    While at the meeting hosted by the Israeli lobby in the United States
    the ways the "Istanbul Uprising" could be sparked were discussed,
    the voices that rose from that obscure table were shaped in the
    following sentences: "The Turkish youth is an apolitical youth. If
    young people who have never taken part in any protest demonstration
    take to city squares, they will, in time, become politicized. The
    streets must be kept alive. While in Arab countries issues such as
    freedoms, the expectation for democracy, and civilian constitution
    lead the population to the streets, in Turkey the situation is just
    the opposite. Since political groups and national leftwing movements
    will not be capable of setting progressive targets, it will be very
    difficult to turn the street protests into a grassroots movement. It
    is imperative to establish solidarity between organizations. If this
    cannot be achieved, the people's movement in Turkey, unlike the 'Arab
    Spring,' may turn into a conflict within the population. The fact
    that the youth who hit the streets for freedom are not organized will
    result in the abandonment of the movement to others. On the other hand,
    it is not believed that a people's movement in Turkey is likely to
    overthrow the government. In contrary to Arab countries, in Turkey,
    even if the state is in the hands of the AKP, there are elections,
    and the people can say the last word at the ballots."

    Support from Israeli Lobby

    The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which is regarded
    as the most powerful lobby in Washington, is the institution that
    receives the biggest share in the US aid to Israel. Following the
    interruption of the relations between Turkey and Israel, the AEI,
    which is financed by the AIPAC, is trying to create an opposition
    against Turkey with the analyses conducted by think tanks such as the
    Hudson Institute and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
    (WINEP) where Neo-Con policies are developed. The "intellectual"
    institutions of the Israeli lobby have accelerated their efforts to
    design provocative scenarios following the Mavi Marmara incident in
    particular. Those organizations are trying to direct institutions in
    the American deep state such as the NSA, CIA, DIA, the Pentagon, and
    the FBI for the benefit of Israel primarily in the Syrian issue. All
    the Neo-Cons who were present at the meeting on a potential "Istanbul
    uprising," work as advisors for think tanks controlled by Israel,
    and are each paid between $40,000 and $80,000 for every session
    they attend. Another point that draws attention is the fact that
    "war correspondent" Christiane Amanpour, who censored Prime Minister
    Erdogan's advisor Ibrahim Kalin in a program broadcast live on CNN
    recently, is the wife of Assistant Secretary of State Eric J. Rubin
    [as received] who is a prominent Jewish figure in the AIPAC.

    A Shot in the Arm for a Newspaper Advertisement

    The advertisement put in the American New York Times to support
    the Gezi Park protests was paid majorly by the Jewish financed
    drug firm Rafagen. The donation campaign launched by Oltac Unsal,
    Murat Aktihanoglu, and Duygu Atacan through a website called
    "," collected $55,000 within the first 24 hours, and
    to date, the organization has reached the sum of $108,371 with the
    donations of 2,653 individuals. Out of this sum, $40,000 came from
    Rafagen Incorporation. Since a sum of $55,000 was paid for the ad in
    New York Times, what the three buddies did with the remaining $53,371
    became a subject of curiosity.

    Lobby Alliance on Eve of 100th Anniversary

    There is a noticeable increase in lobby activities in California where
    there is a big Armenian population in cities such as Los Angeles and
    San Francisco. The Armenian lobby is working frantically on the eve
    of the 100th anniversary of the deportation decision that was the
    beginning of a great tragedy. These are the last two years before the
    100th anniversary of the deportation of 1915. The Armenian lobby has
    held 51 meetings with the Jewish lobbies within the last year. The
    Armenian lobby has already started to raise funds for 2015.

    The American Media Forgot Its Agenda

    It transpired that there was a different goal behind the efforts of
    the CNN, which virtually set camp in Taksim Square and continuously
    reported the Gezi Park protest for hours on end. The CNN repeatedly
    broadcasted images to its viewers as if war had broken out in Turkey
    or that chemical weapons had been used, while preferring to cover
    up certain scandals that happened in the same period as the Gezi
    Park protests. While it broadcasted live the incidents in Taksim
    Square for hours, the CNN reported the attack in Reyhanli, which
    claimed 52 lives, in subtitles only, and it tried to conceal from
    its viewers the news that a diplomat from the US State Department had
    paid prostitutes for sex, and that the State Department had tried to
    cover that fact up. The CNN, which used the Taksim incidents to cover
    the scandal that came out a day before the onset of the Gezi Park
    protests, also drew attention by completely omitting any reports on
    the young Jewish man who revealed that the National Security Agency,
    NSA, was following all the US citizens.

    [Translated from Turkish]

    Original in Turkish:

    From: Baghdasarian