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Ankara: Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan And Marginality

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  • Ankara: Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan And Marginality


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    June 17 2013


    In recent days, thousands of protesters have gone to the streets all
    across Turkey, with all eyes on Gezi Park in Istanbul. But is this
    really just about a park? Yes it is, but it really is about much more.

    It is a dispute over the future of Turkey.

    Development is central to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdošan's
    Justice and Development Party (AKP). Erdošan himself has been a man
    with many projects. This is evident all over Istanbul, where new
    apartment buildings, hospitals, universities and shopping malls are
    popping up everywhere. No one can deny that Erdošan has done much
    for the country, given that it is now seeing unprecedented prosperity.

    However development, in the broadest sense, is also what makes him so
    controversial. His vision for the future of the country is not shared
    by everyone. Whether it is about nuclear energy or education reform,
    Erdošan consistently angers diverse segments of society throughout
    the country. And this has all come to a head in Gezi Park.

    Erdošan's authoritarianism has become abundantly clear in his reaction
    towards peaceful protests. It is even clearer in his words that this
    is not just a reaction, but a deep part of the way he tries to lead
    Turkey. This can be seen in the way he uses the word "marginal". While
    he automatically assumed it meant something negative, marginality is
    also synonymous with diversity. In fact, marginality, as the opposite
    of the mainstream, is actually the source of creative, innovation
    and ultimately development. By embracing marginality and diversity,
    leaders encourage creativity in art, innovation in business and
    development of the economy.

    Companies like Apple or Toyota know that if they do not create
    new products, they cease to be competitive. This is why they all
    have research and development departments. The most innovative R&D
    departments allow for diversity of opinion, where practices like
    brainstorming and experimenting are encouraged. The best innovation
    allows for an open-ended process to find what works best, and this is
    accomplished only by creative people with marginal ideas or marginal

    Successful companies organize the structure of the company in a way
    that does not interfere with the creative process of R&D departments.

    For example, if the accounting department controls research and
    development, it will easily refuse funding of potentially successful
    projects. R&D departments must be able to give input to the company,
    thus CEOs cannot be too authoritarian if they want the company to
    succeed. In other words, CEOs must allow the creative individuals of
    the company to speak.

    Diversity is also very important for governance of states. We have
    seen, time and time again, certain cultures which have had explosions
    of creativity. One important example can be seen in the Golden Age of
    the Islam. Around a thousand years ago, the Islamic world was among the
    most advanced societies in the world. The best of these emirs, caliphs
    and sultans did not rely on just one branch or school of Islam, but
    encouraged diversity in society and even welcomed Jews and Christians
    to their centers of power. They also supported diversity in thought,
    by being patrons of science, medicine, theology and philosophy. This
    helped make them become so powerful.

    The Ottoman Empire in its early days also accepted that diversity
    was an asset. Not only did it utilize the knowledge of Greeks and
    Armenians, it also welcomed persecuted Jewish refugees coming from
    Spain. The Muslim world began to decline, in part, when diversity
    of ideas and practices where replaced with dogmatism that dominated
    every aspect of society. Perhaps the best example of this can be
    seen with Hezarfen Ahmed Celebi, who was exiled by Sultan Murad IV,
    because he was experimenting with flight in the 17th century.

    These are all lessons Erdošan should take to heart. Unfortunately,
    he does not even seem willing to listen to his own country. By
    doing this, he is now undermining all of the good he has done for
    his country. Indeed, he now seems intent on following the patterns
    of the late Ottoman Empire rather than the early one.

    The protest in Gezi Park has thousands upon thousands of supporters.

    They are the marginal, creative individuals of Turkey. They are
    a major part of the future of Turkey's development. While Erdošan
    says he wants to see Turkey develop even more, he needs to learn the
    ways development actually works. Right now, the majority of Turkey's
    creative, innovative individuals are now in the protests. If Erdošan
    does not start listening to them, Turkey will never become the world
    power that it seeks to be.

