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Armenian Astrophysicists Detect A Bright Star

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  • Armenian Astrophysicists Detect A Bright Star

    Monday, June 17th, 2013

    The star's flare (Photo by Casey Reed/NASA)

    Astrophysicists at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
    and the Byurakan Observatory (Armenia) have detected a star of low
    luminosity which within a matter of moments gave off a flare so strong
    that it became almost 15 times brighter. The star in question is the
    flare star WX UMa, reported.

    "We recorded a strong flare of the star WX UMa, which became almost 15
    times brighter in a matter of 160 seconds," explains astrophysicist
    Vakhtang Tamazian, professor at the University of Santiago de
    Compostela. The finding has been published in the 'Astrophysics'

    This star is in the Ursa Major constellation, around 15.6 light
    years from the Earth, and it forms part of a binary system. Its
    companion shines almost 100 times brighter, except at times such as
    that observed, in which the WX UMa gives off its flares. This can
    happen several times a year, but not as strongly as that which was
    recorded in this instance.

    Dr Tamazian and other researchers detected this exceptional brightness
    from the Byurakan Observatory in Armenia. "Furthermore, during this
    period of less than three minutes the star underwent an abrupt change
    from spectral type M to B; in other words, it went from a temperature
    of 2,800 kelvin (K) to six or seven times more than that."

    Based on their spectral absorption lines, stars are classified using
    letters. Type M stars have a surface temperature of between 2,000
    and 3,700 K; Type B between 10,000 and 33,000 K.

    WX UMa belongs to the limited group of "flare stars", a class of
    variable stars which exhibit increases in brightness of up to 100
    factors or more within a matter of seconds or minutes. These increases
    are sudden and irregular - practically random, in fact. They then
    return to their normal state within tens of minutes.

    Scientists do not know how this flaring arises, but they know how it
    develops: "For some reason a small focus of instability arises within
    the plasma of the star, which causes turbulence in its magnetic
    field," explains Tamazian. "A magnetic reconnection then occurs,
    a conversion of energy from the magnetic field into kinetic energy,
    in order to recover the stability of the flow, much like what happens
    in an electric discharge."

    Next, kinetic energy in the plasma transforms into thermal energy
    in the upper layers of the atmosphere and the star's corona. This
    significant rise in the temperature and brightness of the star enables
    astronomers to detect changes in the radiation spectrum.

    "Photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of this kind of flare stars
    is very relevant because it provides us with information about the
    changing states and physical processes, which are in turn key to
    studying the formation and evolution of stars," Tamazian explains.

    To carry out this study, in which flares in other binary systems (HU
    Del, CM Dra and VW Com) have also been analysed, the SCORPIO camera of
    the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory was used. This camera enables
    both the spectrum and the brightness of these objects to be detected.

    Flare stars are intrinsically weak, and can therefore only be observed
    at relatively short distances in astronomic terms, specifically in the
    vicinity of the Sun, up to a distance of a few tens of light years,
    according to

    From: Baghdasarian