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Will Serzh Sargsyan Swindle Europe?

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  • Will Serzh Sargsyan Swindle Europe?


    Hmayak Hovhannisyan, chairman of the Armenian Union of Political
    Scientists, said that at the last moment Armenia will refuse to sign
    the Association Agreement with the EU. Note that initially it is said
    that the agreement will be signed in November.

    Hmayak Hovhannisyan does not hide that he would like to see Armenia
    in the Eurasian Union. It is not important what his wish is determined
    by - ideas or other? The important thing is that it is hinted through
    Hovhannisyan that Serzh Sargsyan will swindle Europe.

    The issue of trust of the West in the Armenian government has been
    there from the very first day of the establishment of relations.

    European countries show that they do not believe Serzh Sargsyan's
    intentions until they see the signed document. It has been two years
    European officials have been unable to agree on a donor conference
    for Armenia. Last autumn it was put off till the end of the electoral
    period in Armenia. Now they are saying that the conference may be
    held late in the autumn, in other words, when it will be clear whether
    Serzh Sargsyan swindled or not Europe.

    It should be admitted that trust is increasing slowly. Serzh
    Sargsyan and his government have shown determination to initialize
    the agreement. Anyway, the West insists on decisive steps, namely
    anti-monopoly fight, market liberalization, diversification of energy
    and other spheres, including security.

    There are no steps yet, and Europe is skeptical. The visa facilitation
    agreement has not been ratified, though it was supposed to enter into
    force a long time ago. Apparently, Europe wants to wait a little more.

    Europe's lack of trust in Serzh Sargsyan may play an evil trick with
    Armenia's Association and the EU. Moscow is boosting pressure on
    Armenia using compromising materials, gas price, provocative reports
    on sale of weapons to Azerbaijan. Hmayak Hovhannisyan's statements
    are also aimed at undermining Europe's trust in Serzh Sargsyan whose
    policies of rapprochement with Europe need concrete support.

    The point is not about money or investments, though this would be
    the best argument, but about expressing confidence in Serzh Sargsyan.

    Sure, Europe may be wrong because no one knows what Serzh Sargsyan
    thinks and what decision he will make. But it is evident that the lack
    of confidence and uncertainty about the date of the donor conference
    or visa facilitation will determine Serzh Sargsyan's decision to
    swindle Europe.

    Armenia is on the razor's edge, and those who say that the choice of
    civilization is not the most pressing issue in Armenia are probably
    wrong. Since Armenia announced willing to associate with Europe,
    this issue has become a key one. This issue should not depend on the
    will of one person. Europe's distrust towards Serzh Sargsyan can be
    eliminated only in case Europe sees that the Armenian society will
    not allow him to cheat.

    Naira Hayrumyan 13:13 19/06/2013 Story from News:
