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"Choir Of Innocent Angels"

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  • "Choir Of Innocent Angels"


    June 18 2013

    The head of ANC faction Levon Zurabyan describes the Deputies of the
    fifth convocation as such. - Though the 2012 report of the Control
    Chamber has been in the center of interests and analysis by media for
    several months, and the passions around it seemed to have settled
    down, but recently the passions of the said report again inflamed at
    the Parliament. It was interesting that it especially become the
    target of the Republican Party. Why or with what the said report was
    not liked by the political majority. - For years, the Control Chamber
    has submitted much stricter documents, but no one had talked about
    them. I would like to remind you that for the first time there were
    references made to the scandalous findings of the Control Chamber,
    when in 2011during the dialogue with the authorities, the Armenian
    National Congress prepared a well-grounded document, including the
    findings of the Control Chamber regarding the budget misspend.

    Moreover, the ANC, our faction often uses the CC's findings and
    justifications. No matter you want to consider it immodest, but the
    attention of the CC report started from the time when we entered the
    parliament and began to criticize looting, theft, wastes of budget of
    the country intensively using the CC reports. In other words,
    something that was made silent, now they can not make it silent,
    because on every occasion we are reminding about these findings. And a
    strange situation started. First, no matter how they tried to make it
    silent, the public realized that simply looting of the state budget is
    going on. In 2009, the report clearly states that randomly chosen four
    per cent of budget expenditures were checked and a theft and waste of
    eight billion Armenian drams was discovered. This means that if we
    take all the stats, and do extrapolation, it will turn out that during
    one year, in 2008, a half-billion dollars was stolen, which was proved
    by CC auditing. In fact, the report of 2012, in this respect, was much
    weaker: there are facts of the cable and bio-toilets, that were
    flagrant facts, because it was proved that ten times more money was
    spent than was necessary. But no matter how shameful examples are
    brought, one can always counter that they are simply episodes or
    individual cases. The strong point in the report of 2009 was that not
    a few cases were brought but inspections by statistical sampling were
    performed. Only after when we mentioned it in our report of 2011, they
    did not refer to it anymore. The CC, unfortunately, stopped giving
    general assessments of how much is wastes from the budget. But at
    least they gave an assessment to which everyone referred. That is, 701
    billion Armenian drams misspent from the budget was estimated by CC
    President as money available in the field of severe corruption risk.

    If we translate it in a human language, it means that the main part of
    the budget is simply robbed, misspent, and stolen. Everyone understood
    it. Now the Republican Party is trying to get out from it. It seems
    that there are two opinions about their viewpoints as to how it can be
    done. One wing has decided that the best way to self-justification is
    to shout ahead of the opposition - catch the thief, like all thieves
    are going. It's a known step. The other side, however, is trying to
    follow the way of denial and lessen the effect of these findings. It
    is obvious that this is a war going on between the two parties. But
    I'm pleased with it. Both tactics are beneficial to us: one the one
    hand, they are trying to conceal the truth, on the other hand, however
    they take it on themselves, the issue gets a great public response. -
    And who is to blame, especially when Gagik Jhangiryan said in his
    speech that during the discussion with the ANC faction the CC
    President has told that during the last two years he is not sending
    the results of CC studies to the RA Prosecutor's Office, because he is
    disappointed from the said body. The CC President said that for
    criminal responsibility the law places restrictions on their part. The
    Deputies recommended that the government introduce legislative
    changes, and the Deputy Prime Minister Armen Gevorgyan said that it
    would be better if MPs do it. So, why are these findings for? - In
    general, the current parliament looks like a choir of innocent angels,
    where everyone speaks about the fat and lucky bureaucrats, about
    robbers. They have fully adopted the vocabulary of the opposition, the
    ANC. As one of the Deputies said very correctly that they no longer
    consider such statements as correct, they are already using such
    expressions. But they give no names. And they want us, the naives, or
    our people, naive society think that, let's say, this multi-billion
    dollar plunder is taking place during the management of Serzh
    Sargsyan, and the general authorities and leaders of this country as
    Serzh Sargsyan, Tigran Sargsyan, Hovik Abrahamyan and others, are not
    aware of it. Here, there are two options. Option number one - I really
    do not know. Although in that case, I am sorry, we deal with insanity
    loafers who are absolutely no competent and generally do not know the
    ways to govern this country. This option, of course, is very difficult
    to believe because the statements publicized by them prove that along
    with the plunder of the state budget, they are gradually accumulating
    millions. Well, let's synthesize, this proven looting of the budget
    and simultaneous enrichment of the country's general authorities. I do
    not think there will be someone who will convince the option that
    these people do not understand anything, do not know the situation,
    and this looting proceeds by itself, and for some reason, they become
    wealthy. What conclusion we arrive at: we deal with, as Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan says, corrupt from top to bottom, with the systematic
    looting. Using the state authoritative system, they plunder the nation
    in a systematic and comprehensive manner, and, by the way, the law
    enforcement bodies who were supposed to stop looting also serve for
    this purpose. What are we supposed to do with such a regime? Is there
    another way left to do rather than to stand up side-by-side with
    people and send these thieves to the landfill of history? - And when
    is ANC going for active operations, rallies, protests, etc., as you
    said to send the thieves to the landfill of history? - If there is a
    political force, who can be blamed at least for being passive or not
    organizing rallies is ANC. For five years we are engaged in
    unprecedented activity of organizing mass rallies in Armenia. We had
    cycles of several breaks, but in the same 2011, we held more than 20
    rallies, including 24-hours rallies. This is normal in policy. If you
    constantly deal with rallies, you can outwear the political wave.

    That's why we always calculate and hold rallies along with political
    processes. Now, yes, we are in the period of pause that is conditioned
    by a few facts, and one of them is that people are simply tired of
    constant rallies and elections. Although the ANC has held several
    meetings during summer, because the political processes had been hot,
    but now this is not the situation that we must ignore the fact of
    summer. And, indeed, it turns out that deterioration of the social
    situation, very often, as they say, must reach the bone, so that the
    people will stand up. We keep our hands on the pulse and from the
    moment when we see that we can start the effective political process,
    do not think that we will straight away enter into fight. - People
    will really feel the wave of increase of price from July on their
    skins. Do you think that a social riot, however, will take place in
    Armenia, in the fall, because the history showed that social riots can
    not happen in our country? - I agree with you that, for some reason,
    such a dogma is brought to the head of people that social riots can
    not happen in Armenia. Social riots were restrained in Armenia with
    the consciousness of people and with prudence of the opposition
    because we all understand that there is an issue of Karabakh. Armenia
    can not afford that the state machine, the army, the police, etc., are
    dissolved for months, as it happened in Egypt or Tunisia. Now these
    springs are available in Armenia, they operate, but it seems that the
    authorities do not learn lessons from it. They do not realize that
    they can bring the process of oppression to such a degree that even
    these springs may no longer function. Now they are bringing our
    country closer to that border, when a collapse of the state and
    financial system may happen. But in this case the opposition will not
    be able to stop anyone. The role of the opposition in this case would
    be trying to transfer all these to a civilized and organized channel,
    and trying to build a political process where the transfer of power is
    made smoother and without shock. Conversation held by Nelly
    GRIGORYAN "Aravot" Daily

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