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Ankara: Codename Istanbul Rebellion Plan

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  • Ankara: Codename Istanbul Rebellion Plan


    Anadolu Agency, Turkey
    June 16 2013

    Assistant Prime Minister Bozdag: "It insults a person's intelligence
    to say the simultaneous spread of this business is spontaneous"

    AKP [Justice and Development Party] Assistant Chairman and Party
    Spokesman Celik: "All the pieces are falling into place. The selected
    place was Istanbul. The selected spot was Taksim. Politicizing an
    apolitical youth and driving them into the streets."

    EU Minister and Chief Negotiator Bagis: "Foreign forces held a number
    of meetings before to create chaos in Turkey. Is this the first? Is
    this the first time such a scenario is being played out? You can find
    them all in the archives."

    AKP Assistant Chairman Soylu: "Turkey is being faced with lies, slander
    and intrigue exactly as in scenarios that took place in the past."

    Ankara 16 Jun 13 (Anatolian) - News saying that the Taksim Gezi Park
    riots had been discussed at the American Enterprise Institute under
    the name "possible Istanbul rebellion" in February has taken its
    place on the politicians' agenda now.

    It has emerged that the scenario carried in Yeni Safak's banner
    headline today reading "Code Name Istanbul Rebellion" was discussed
    in the United States in February. It is noted that comments were
    made at the Washington-based Israeli institution American Enterprise
    Institute saying: "If there is a major demonstration it can take on
    Tahrir's identity. The Turkish youth is apolitical but if they come
    into the town squares they will become politicized over time. The
    streets must be kept alive. As the national left-wing movements have
    been unable to come up with progressive goals it may be hard to turn
    the squares into a popular movement."

    Reportedly, the meeting was attended by Donald Rumsfeld, who was
    on former President George W Bush's team and who is known for his
    antipathy towards Turkey, as well as by such names as Paul Wolfowitz,
    Richard perle, Bernard Lewis, Alliot Abrams, John Bolton, William
    Kristol and Douglas Feith. These "Neo-Con" names, known for the
    anti-Turkey rhetoric and policies, made the news in 2007 too with the
    "Hudson Plan" to agitate Turkey.

    Bekir Bozdag

    Assistant Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag had this to say about the
    incidents focused on Taksim Gezi Park and this news report: "To say
    that the simultaneous spread of this business was simply spontaneous
    is to insult a person's intelligence."

    Bozdag stated that the attitude of the international broadcasting
    agencies since the incidents began was worthy of attention and
    that several circles were unhappy with Turkey becoming powerful. He
    noted that the social media and other environments were awash with
    disinformation about the incident.

    Bozdag stressed that similar incidents take place from time to time
    in many democratic countries and that the press' approach to them was
    very different from its approach to the incidents in Turkey. Bozdag
    said: "CNN, the BBC, the newspapers and TV channels that everybody
    follows; they all present a very different picture of what is going
    on in Turkey."

    Noting that there were also media organs, people, groups and
    politicians at home that were fueling this approach, Bozdag said:
    "It is abundantly clear that they all have a plan to disrupt the
    democratic climate in Turkey and move our people into a different
    position that opposes the government using Gezi Park as an excuse."

    Stating that some columnists were seen to have touched on these topics
    in the past, Bozdag said: "To say that the simultaneous spread of this
    business was simply spontaneous is to insult a person's intelligence."

    Huseyin Celik

    AKP Assistant Chairman and Party Spokesman Huseyin Celik had this to
    say about the news story: "All the pieces are falling into place. The
    selected place was Istanbul. The selected spot was Taksim. The
    apolitical youth is being politicized and driven into the streets. All
    of this shows that a scenario has been written and that this scenario
    is being played out by certain people."

    Noting that the points discussed in the scenario in the news had
    parallels with what was going on in Turkey Celik said, "Everything
    that has been taking place in recent days is a play."

    Stating that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a different
    makeup than previous prime ministers and that this fact was making
    some people uncomfortable, Celik said: "Therefore, we are seeing this
    as well in this scenario, unfortunately. We know what the Neo-Cons
    in the United States think about us, how they fell about us. We know
    how the various lobbies there think. We know about the preparations
    being made concerning the incidents of 1915."

    "Our coming up with an active foreign policy and adopting a position
    of honor and dignity, and standing tall, is making some people
    uncomfortable," said Celik continuing:

    "All the pieces are falling into place. The selected place was
    Istanbul. The selected spot was Taksim. The apolitical youth is being
    politicized and driven into the streets. All of this shows that a
    scenario has been written and that this scenario is being played
    out by certain people. When a business kicks off it can take on a
    different shape. It takes point from which to move. Later, that point
    is expanded. Gezi Park began as an innocent green and environmental
    protest, but it was hijacked. It is right here that the plot known as
    'Code Name Istanbul Rebellion' within this plan was brought precisely
    to the desired point."

    Egemen Bagis

    EU Minister and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis said this about the news:
    "Foreign forces held a number of meetings before to create chaos in
    Turkey. Is this the first time? Is this the first time such a scenario
    is being played out? You can find them all in the archives."

    Minister Bagis noted:

    "Months before these incidents began in Turkey, back in February,
    there was a meeting at the Neo-Con institution called the American
    Enterprise Institute. There were even people there from Turkey. 'What
    if something were to take place similar to what we are experiencing
    today?' Now, when you place these things side by side you can see
    that this was done at a time when Turkey was starting to rise. This
    interest ['faiz' meaning financial interest, as opposed to 'menfaat'
    or 'cikar' meaning a nation's interest or self-interest] lobby's...

    The US government is not a part of this. Obama is not a part of this.

    There is an interest [cikar this time] group within America. This is
    a group safeguarding whose interests? An international bunch of power
    centers. They have economic power. They are able to stage a number of
    plots. They are able to set up an advertizing agency. They are able to
    open bogus accounts. They are even able to finance a few journalists.

    They can even direct provocateurs."

    Pointing out that these plots had been staged before, Bagis said there
    were only two leaders in the world that US President Obama trusts:
    Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron and Turkey's Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Bagis said, "What is happening in the United
    States, in Turkey and in the United Kingdom today is all happening
    at the same time; it is no coincidence."

    Suleyman Soylu

    AKP Assistant Party Chairman Suleyman Soylu had this to say about the
    news: "Turkey is faced with the exact same lies, slander and intrigue
    that it faced in past scenarios."

    Stating that Turkey had faced similar organizations to this from time
    to time Soylu said:

    "More democracy is our pledge, our boast, our ideal and our will.

    Turkey is faced with the exact same lies, slander and intrigue that it
    faced in scenarios in the past. An way of thinking that is rebelling
    and trying to agitate the people around it by using the social
    media yesterday evening to show our people pictures taken in Gaza,
    in Palestine and in Spain, by throwing themselves under a TOMA [Riot
    Control Vehicle] and saying, 'Look what they did to me' was clearly
    at work last night to a significant degree. The lies are trying to
    envelop almost all of Turkey. Let nobody be deceived by the silence
    of the silent majority. The nation has presence of mind, common sense
    and patience plus the sagacity to expose all those lies like a huge
    clap of thunder. Let nobody be fooled by our nation's patience."

    [Translated from Turkish]

    From: Baghdasarian