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Armenia Snubs Russia After Gas Price Hike

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  • Armenia Snubs Russia After Gas Price Hike


    Business New Europe
    June 18 2013

    Clare Nuttall in Astana
    June 18, 2013

    An apparent Russian attempt to use energy supplies to force Armenia,
    one of its closest allies, to choose membership of the Customs Union
    over closer association with the EU, appears to have failed. With
    a hike in the price of Russian gas coming into effect, Yerevan said
    it's looking at alternative suppliers like Iran and holding talks on
    the sale of its largest hydroelectric power plants to a US company.

    Armenia's Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) announced
    on June 7 that consumers will pay AMD156,000 ($374) per 1,000 cubic
    meters of gas, 18% higher than the current rate of AMD132,000. This
    figure is still well below the 60% price hike requested by gas
    distributor ArmRusGasProm after Russia increased its wholesale gas
    export price. Since Armenia generates some of its electricity at
    gas-fired power stations, electricity prices are also going up in July,
    sparking a wave of anti-Russian sentiment in this relatively poor
    country. A small group of protesters gathered outside the Russian
    embassy in Yerevan on June 5 and at the PSRC building on June 7,
    calling for Gazprom to go home.

    To avoid a more widespread popular backlash, the Armenian government
    has been forced to introduce costly subsidies for energy customers,
    with Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan announcing on May 16 that the
    government would subsidise consumer gas prices by as much as 30%,
    as well as providing support for poor families. There are also
    concerns that the increase in energy prices will spark a sharp rise
    in inflation.

    Given Armenia's high poverty rate, energy pricing is a highly
    sensitive political issue. Opposition MPs have accused the government
    of striking a secret deal with Russia not to increase gas prices
    until after the 2013 elections. The government only confirmed the
    widely anticipated price increase after Serzh Sargsyan was returned to
    the presidency in February, and his party emerged victorious in the
    May local elections. At a parliament session on June 12, Energy and
    Natural Resources Minister Armen Movsisyan even claimed he couldn't
    remember when the agreement had been signed, Arka reported.

    Choosing sides

    The decision to raise the gas price is believed to be linked to
    Armenia's pursuit of an EU Association Agreement, which includes the
    development of political, trade, social, cultural and security links
    between the two. As Yerevan moves closer to Europe, the prospect that
    Armenia will join the Russia-led Customs Union, which also includes
    Kazakhstan, Belarus and soon Kyrgyzstan, becomes less likely. While
    Ukraine is Moscow's top target for Customs Union membership, Armenia
    has long been one of Russia's closest allies, so the move westwards
    is a blow for Moscow.

    "The gas price increase is part of a broader effort to switch to market
    conditions and end state subsidies, but there is also a political
    dimension," Richard Giragosian, director of the Regional Studies Cente
    in Yerevan, tells bne. "The scale of the price increase indicated that
    Russia is using energy as leverage to deter integration with the EU."

    However, Giragosian believes that the pressure from Russia was "too
    little, too late", coming as it did when Armenia was already at an
    advanced stage of negotiations with the EU. "Armenia has made it
    clear to Moscow that it will proceed to the Vilnius summit," he says.

    Having chosen its path towards the EU, the Armenian government has
    been looking for alternatives to the current dependence on Russian
    gas imports. But because of the country's geo-political situation,
    these are limited.

    Armenia's neighbour Azerbaijan is one of the Caspian region's largest
    oil and gas producers, but the hostile relationship between the two
    countries effectively rules out any gas from there. Azeri officials
    seem to have enjoyed the plight of their neighbour, with the president
    of Azerbaijan's state oil company Socar, Rovnag Abdullayev, saying
    in an interview with ANS TV that Azerbaijan had enough gas stored
    in underground reservoirs to more than cover Armenia's entire annual
    consumption immediately. Socar followed up Abdullayev's comments with
    a June 10 statement that Armenia could "participate in regional energy
    projects" if Yerevan changes its position on the occupied lands around
    Nagorno Karabakh, an ethnic Armenian enclave that lies in Azerbaijani
    territory and over which the two fought a war in the 1990s.

    Persian possibility

    The chief option being discussed in Yerevan is whether to look to Iran
    for gas imports. Armenia already imports some gas from its neighbour,
    exporting electricity in return. Potentially, Armenia could ramp up
    its imports of gas from Iran, but there are some obstacles, mainly the
    fact that even following the Russian price increase, Iranian gas is
    still more expensive. According to local press reports, ArmRusGasProm
    CEO Vardan Harutyunyan told a press conference on June 7 that the
    company would consider importing from Iran if the price was lower
    than that from Russia.

    Giragosian points out additional problems. "Iran is an alternative,
    but there are questions about prices and the capacity of the pipeline.

    Armenia is also very hesitant about expanding its energy relationship
    with Iran at a time when sanctions are increasing."

    Armenian government officials are also close to negotiating the sale
    of three of Armenia's largest hydropower plants to US-based energy
    company ContourGlobal - a surprising move in a sector previously
    seen as Russian territory. ContourGlobal, which has assets in other
    emerging markets including Latin America and Africa, said in a June 12
    statement that commercial terms for the deal are still being finalised,
    and the purchase price is expected to be "very significant". Together,
    the three hydropower plants on the Vorotan river account for over 30%
    of Armenia's electricity generation capacity.
