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Syria Will Be At Center Of Putin-Obama Meeting On June 17

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  • Syria Will Be At Center Of Putin-Obama Meeting On June 17


    Interfax, Russia
    June 17 2013

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and his U.S. counterpart Barack
    Obama will discuss the latest developments in Syria at a bilateral
    meeting on the sidelines of the G8 summit on June 17.

    "Certainly, great attention will be paid to the Syrian problem,
    especially amid American representatives' statements that the U.S.

    intelligence community has information that [Syrian President Bashar]
    al-Assad's regime used chemical weapons, including sarin gas, which
    can cause paralysis," Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov said at
    a press briefing ahead of the summit.

    The two presidents earlier exchanged messages, and the time has
    come for a personal meeting on different topics of the bilateral and
    international agenda, Ushakov said.

    The Putin-Obama meeting is expected to continue for about an hour,
    after which three bilateral documents and a statement on the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be signed, the presidential aide said.

    Ushakov said that it was planned to discuss enhancing cooperation in
    the anti-terrorist sphere at the meeting as well. "It is a necessity
    to have close cooperation between the Russian and U.S. special services
    which are free of politics. This has been confirmation amid the tragic
    events on April 15 in Boston. The Russian side is also interested in
    cooperating with our U.S. partners in the area of special services
    in order to ensure the security of the Olympics in Sochi," he said.

    Ushakov said that discussing the missile shield, nuclear weapons
    reduction and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destructions
    were on the agenda. "Joint and coordinated decisions on all these
    fundamental topics are needed, unilateral actions in the sphere of
    strategic stability are unacceptable. Russia and the U.S. intend to
    continue a constructive dialog on all pressing aspects of international
    security," Ushakov said.

    "It is also expected that we will discuss enhancing bilateral
    cooperation in the interests of decreasing tension on the Korean
    peninsula and of securing positive moments in the situation around
    the Iranian nuclear program," the official said.

    "One more international topic for dialog is ensuring stability in
    Afghanistan, including amid the coming withdrawal of the International
    Security Assistance Force in 2014, and continuing joint work to carry
    out military transit," Ushakov said.

    tm ez mk

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress