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Turkey Enraged At Vatican For Pope's Remarks On Armenian Genocide

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  • Turkey Enraged At Vatican For Pope's Remarks On Armenian Genocide


    Atlas Shrugs
    June 17 2013

    Uh, Armenians are upset about the jihad slaughter of millions of
    Armenians. This Islamic denial of their historic bloodlust and their
    subsequent bullying is pure supremacism. Savage.

    Do Muslims expect the sanction of their victims?

    The Armenian genocide took place under Turkey's Islamic Ottoman
    Empire, during and after WWI. "Out of an approximate population of two
    million, some 1.5 million Armenians died. If early 20th century Turkey
    had the apparatuses and technology to execute in mass-such as 1940s
    Germany's gas chambers-the entire Armenian population may well have
    been annihilated. Most objective American historians who have studied
    the question unequivocally agree that it was a deliberate, calculated
    genocide." (more here)

    Ankara upset at Vatican for pope's remarks on mass killings of
    Armenians Hurriyet Daily News, (thanks to Filip)

    Turkey has reacted angrily to the Vatican following a statement from
    Pope Francis describing the mass killings of Armenians during World
    War I as "the first genocide of the twentieth century" during a
    meeting with a delegation led by Patriarch of Cilicia of Armenian
    Catholics on June 3.

    "The Turkish Foreign Ministry delivered Turkey's views on the issue
    and expressed disappointment to the embassy in Ankara and Vatican in
    Rome," a Turkish diplomat told the Hurriyet Daily News on June 7.

    Pope Francis described the mass killings of Armenians during World War
    I as "the first genocide of the 20th century" during a meeting with a
    delegation led by Patriarch of Cilicia of Armenian Catholics on June

    The pope met with members of the delegation and when one of them said
    that she was a descendant of genocide victims, he replied, "The first
    genocide of the 20th Century was that of the Armenians," reiterating
    his earlier recognition of the mass killings as "Armenian Genocide"
    while he was the head of the Catholic Church in Buenos Aires as a

    In 2006, during events marking the 91st anniversary of the killings in
    Buenos Aires, he had urged Turkey to recognize "the genocide" as the
    "gravest crime of Ottoman Turkey against the Armenian people and the
    entire humanity."

    Commenting on the issue, Armenian Apostolic Church Diocese of Gougark
    Bishop Sebouh Chuljyan Primate said, "The pope is speaking out a
    historical truth. Turkey needs to see the pains and should face the
    genocide," he told the Hurriyet Daily News, adding that the archives
    of the Vatican may be opened to investigate the issue further.

    The director of the Armenian National Committee of South America,
    Alfonso Tabakian, explained that this was the first such statement
    from the pontiff since being elevated to pope and leader of the Roman
    Catholic Church.

    Tabakian called the statement "very important since his words
    transcend any state or religion," according to the Armenian weekly
