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ARF-D In Socialist International's CIS, Caucasus And Black Sea Commi

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  • ARF-D In Socialist International's CIS, Caucasus And Black Sea Commi

    June 4, 2013

    On June 3-4, 2013, the Social Democrats for Development (SDD) party
    of Georgia hosted the Socialist International's Committee for the CIS,
    Caucasus and Black Sea meeting in Tblisi.

    The meeting was co-chaired by Vahan Hovhannesyan from the ARF-D
    and Alexandra Dobolyi from the MSzP of Hungary, co-chairs of the
    committee, and vice-chair Oleg Tulea, of the PDM, Moldova. The ARF-D
    International Secretariat Director, Giro Manoyan was also part of
    the Armenian delegation.

    The committee discussions were focused on the following agenda: a)
    Defining current priorities and tasks for social democracy in the CIS,
    Caucasus and Black Sea region, b) Challenges to succeed in winning the
    battle for democratic states in the region, c) Overcoming conflict -
    a fundamental need on the road to a fair and prosperous society, d)
    Brief reports on the national situation in countries of the region,
    e) Programme of work of the committee for the current period, f)
    Conclusions and adoption of a Declaration of the meeting.


    The Socialist International member parties from the CIS, Caucasus and
    Black Sea, gathering in Tbilisi on 3-4 June 2013 to define priorities
    and challenges to social democracy in the region, reaffirmed,
    in the first instance, their unwavering commitment to preserving
    the unity and integrity of this global political family following
    recent initiatives by our members in Germany and their statements
    which appeared in the press. The members of the Committee take this
    opportunity to declare themselves fully represented by the contents
    of the Open Letter issued by the President and Secretary General of
    the Socialist International in response to those developments.

    We underline that international Solidarity, the core of our social
    democratic identity, must be preserved and strengthened. The countries
    of this region, although different socially and culturally, and which
    are presently at varying stages on the road to securing, improving
    or consolidating democracy, nevertheless share many common problems.

    Coordinated action at regional level is crucial, and we are committed
    to redoubling efforts in pursuit of democratic governance, solidarity
    and equal rights for all.

    The Committee noted, in the case of Georgia, that there is a sensitive
    process of transformation underway after the changing of government
    by elections, and it is hoped that the process of the restoration of
    justice will be transparent and effective. We hope that the political
    system will become more representative and democratic. Steps taken
    towards the achievement of universal education and healthcare, for
    poverty reduction, for the development of the village and labour
    relations in Georgia are welcome.

    We also welcome the politics of the Georgian government devoted to
    peaceful and democratic development in the region, and its efforts for
    the advancement of Georgia-Russian relations in a civilised framework.

    Peaceful politics in the region and among the neighbours is of
    paramount importance, and only the peaceful resolution of conflicts
    in the region must prevail.

    The Committee fully supports the peaceful resolution of the regional
    conflicts based on the principles of international law.

    The Committee expresses deep concern over disproportionate and
    excessive use of force by the police against citizens exercising their
    right to free assembly in Turkey. We would like to remind the Turkish
    government that freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the
    right to have peaceful protests are fundamentals of a democratic
    regime. We observe with great concern the rise of authoritarian
    inclinations in Turkey, and the ensuing apathy towards citizens'
    legitimate grievances. We call upon the Government to show constraint
    and respect human rights and freedoms. The Committee offers condolences
    for those who lost their lives during the protests and wishes a speedy
    recovery for the injured. The SI will continue to be in solidarity
    with the Turkish people and the Republican Peoples' Party, CHP, in
    their struggle for rights and freedoms, democracy, and social justice.

    In Ukraine, the political process has shown that attempts by Victor
    Yanukovich to return to authoritarianism have no place and no support
    in society. At the same time, right-wing opposition is unable to
    propose a credible alternative to his course and is increasingly losing
    popularity among the people. Because the main forces both in power and
    opposition in fact are isolated not only from the reality of the people
    but also from the fight for democracy and fairness, they are becoming
    isolated in politics. Just as the SI was the first organisation to
    support the struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom in 2004, it
    now supports the efforts of Ukrainian citizens fighting for justice
    against oligarchic groups from both ruling political sides.

    The Committee reiterated its full solidarity with the people of
    Belarus in their struggle for freedom, democracy, independence, and
    the preservation of their national identity. The continuing serious
    violations of human rights by the ruling regime is deplorable and this
    Committee calls for an end to the persecution of opposition leaders
    and for the liberation and rehabilitation of political prisoners,
    among them Mikalai Statkevich, leader of the BSDP (NH), a member
    party of the Socialist International.

    The Committee supports the activities of its member party in
    Kazakhstan, the Nationwide Social Democratic Party, OSDP, in its
    efforts to promote social democratic values in the region. It welcomes
    the adoption by the OSDP of a new programme, "Social Democracy - the
    way of the XXI Century", and the strategy of the party with regard
    to the expansion of its social base. The Committee also expresses
    its full solidarity with the party in its struggle for the country's
    political modernisation, and for making this irreversible.

    The SI Committee for the CIS, Caucasus and Black Sea considers that
    it is necessary to remove all outstanding questions regarding the
    status of the Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan, following the
    decisions of the 12th Congress of the SDPA. This is the only social
    democratic party in Azerbaijan and is a true social democratic party,
    with a strong belief in our common values. The SDPA abides by the
    Statutes of the Socialist International and is guided by its programme
    and principles. The social democratic parties of this region declare
    their solidarity with the Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan and
    ask the SI Ethics Committee to re-establish its status in the SI.

    From: Baghdasarian