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Armenia's Gesture To New Iranian President

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  • Armenia's Gesture To New Iranian President


    The National Assembly of Armenia approved tax and customs allowances
    for the layout of Iran-Armenia high voltage overhead power transmission
    line. The definition of the tax and customs allowances supposes Armenia
    will finally start the construction after many years of discussion.

    The decision of the Armenian parliament is interesting against the
    background of several events. First, on these days, the Iranian
    ambassador to Armenia held a press conference saying dissatisfied
    with Armenia's passive attitude. He said Iran is waiting for Armenia's
    initiative, but the latter is passive.

    Armenia used to dismiss arguments that the Iranian gas is cheaper
    than the Russian. The Iranian ambassador said the contrary, then the
    minister of energy and natural resources Armen Movsisiyan said the
    ambassador is unaware but the minister might not remember because
    lately he has been having difficulty memorizing things such as the
    date of agreement on increase of Russian gas price.

    Instead, Armen Movsisyan remembers that he is negotiating with Gazprom
    over transfer of the government's last 20% stake at ARG. This is also
    interesting against the background of the parliamentary resolution on
    tax and customs allowances for the layout of the high voltage power
    transmission line with Iran.

    According to Pastinfo, after the layout of the line Armenia will be
    able to receive from Iran 1.1 billion cubic meters of gas annually,
    which is almost 70% total demand in Armenia which is 1.8 billion.

    Armenia will pay for gas with electricity, which is impossible now
    due to the absence of high voltage transmission line.

    Now that Russia is trying to "tighten energy reins" of Armenia, our
    country is making an important gesture to Iran. This does not mean
    that layout is already confirmed. After all, it is not ruled out
    that the purpose of this resolution is to reassure Iran, especially
    considering that this country has a new president elect. On the
    other hand, Armenia might be hinting to Russia that Moscow's policy
    of tightening reins may encounter an adequate response by Armenia.

    But here the Iranian issue occurs. The Iranian presidential election
    was hailed by the West and there are rumors on a possible dialogue
    with Iran and relieving sanctions.

    Most probably, Armenia set to the layout of transmission line
    considering the current state of things. Earlier, it could have
    been difficult to promote the program due to the world's attitude
    towards Iran.

    Hakob Badalyan 11:51 20/06/2013 Story from News:
