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ANCA Desk: Leo Sarkisian Internship Molds Our Future Leaders

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  • ANCA Desk: Leo Sarkisian Internship Molds Our Future Leaders

    By Michelle Hagopian
    June 20, 2013

    On June 17, a handful of talented interns will arrive in Washington,
    D.C. for the summer of a lifetime. As they embark on the 2013 ANCA
    Leo Sarkisian Internship (LSI) program at the ANCA headquarters,
    they'll see the capital's sights and meet and learn from a variety
    of influential people.

    Two of them-Taleen Lachinian and Tamar Purut-are representing the
    ANCA Eastern Region from June 17 to Aug. 9. We couldn't be happier
    to send two excited and ambitious young women to experience a mini
    boot camp in Hai Tahd.

    >From phone banking for important Congressional issues, to discussions
    with grassroots leaders in our region and across the country, this
    internship is essentially a crash course in everything the ANCA does.

    They will visit Capitol Hill, meet elected officials, and learn how
    to convey the values and issues that represent Armenian Americans. In
    short: The LSI program molds our future leaders.

    Why am I telling you about this? Because the beginning of the LSI
    program every year marks the beginning of summer, which means we're
    halfway through another calendar year. A lot can happen in one year
    or even in six months. As we get into mid-June, it's important for
    the ANCA to reflect on what we've accomplished so far this year, but
    to also keep our eyes forward as we set out to accomplish much more.

    I'm excited for our LSI interns this year, just like I am every year.

    What a great deal it is to be living in the heart of this country,
    where so much around them will help shape the type of people they
    become in their careers. We don't realize that at the time, but it
    almost always turns out to be true later down the line.

    The ANCA owes a lot to the man the internship is named after, Leo
    Sarkisian. He was a leader for Hai Tahd for decades, constantly paving
    the way for new ideas and plans of action. Although he died in 1992,
    Sarkisian is part of the reason the ANCA has accomplished so much
    thus far. He was a scholar, author, and above all, a champion for
    the Armenian cause.

    With each passing year, I remember why the ANCA pushes on in its
    noble cause. With each passing summer and every new LSI intern, I
    give a little thanks for Leo Sarkisian and the work he did in guiding
    us. The same is true for all of our Hai Tahd leaders who have passed
    on and those who are still fighting for justice among us today.

    The LSI program is top notch and competitive for a reason: Students
    want to be the next generation leading the Armenian cause. This
    internship allows them to start that journey, and for that reason,
    we need to encourage them and find ways to support that goal.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: So much of what we do
    depends on the contributions and training of our young people. We see
    how easy it is to get spread thin in all areas of our lives, so why
    not mentor and train the younger crowd to pick up where we're lacking?

    Heck, why not mentor and train anyone willing to help?

    The ANCA Eastern Region is working on identifying and strengthening
    our core leaders in each community we have, but we need your help.

    Even if you live in the most far-flung, remote town, your voice

    Reach out to us today at [email protected] to pitch in. If you want to
    volunteer your time, your skills or your knowledge, you're an asset
    to the ANCA. Become the next champion of the Armenian cause.

    Follow in Leo Sarkisian's footsteps and those of the interns who try
    every year to start living up to that name.

    From: A. Papazian