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As Sanctions Bite, Iranians Invest Big In Georgia

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  • As Sanctions Bite, Iranians Invest Big In Georgia


    Wall Street Journal, NY
    June 20 2013


    TBILISI, Georgia-Economic sanctions against Iran have made it
    increasingly hard for Iranians to do business abroad. But Iranian
    businessmen are flocking to Georgia, a longtime U.S. ally in the
    Caucasus region, to pursue profits evaporating in much of the world.

    In recent months, Iranian nationals have taken the reins of a private
    Georgian airline, a major trade bank and a scrap-metal plant. Persian
    is often heard, such as on a recent night at a Tbilisi casino,
    where Iranian tourists played roulette and sipped drinks brought by
    Russian hostesses.

    Iranian products ranging from roofing materials to sour-cherry jam
    are pouring into Georgian markets, made more attractive by Iran's
    weak currency. Iran's government itself is buying Georgian land,
    Iran's agriculture minister has told Iranian media.

    "It's all Iranian, even that one with the sticker 'Italy,' " said
    Iasha Tsatsanidze, a Georgian trader, pointing to a plastic garden
    hose among goods he was selling at a Tbilisi market last month. "It's
    cheap and good quality."

    This is a boom being closely watched by U.S. authorities charged with
    enforcing sanctions that aim to block Iran from obtaining nuclear
    weapons. "We are focused intently on shutting down any Iranian
    attempts to evade sanctions, including through possible business
    connections in Georgia," said David Cohen, the U.S. Treasury's top
    official overseeing Iran sanctions. "We are working closely with
    the Georgians on the issue." Two delegations from the Treasury have
    visited Tbilisi in recent months to discuss the matter, according to
    U.S. and Georgian officials.

    In some cases, they may have reason for concern. The business branch of
    Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has some 150 front companies
    in Georgia for the purpose of evading sanctions and importing dual-use
    technology, according to two members of the Revolutionary Guard and
    to the head of a Tbilisi facilitator agency-who said he helped set
    up such firms registered under Georgians' names.

    "Investing in Georgia is a way of skirting the sanctions," Iranian
    media quoted an Iranian development official as saying in December.

    In Tbilisi, Javad Golchinfar, an Iranian who helps his countrymen
    set up Georgian businesses, said in an interview: "Especially in the
    banking sector, Georgia has become a key place to evade sanctions."

    Georgian officials said they closely monitor the trade to prevent just
    that. "There's intense and routine coordination between the U.S. and
    Georgia on enforcing Iran sanctions," a senior Georgian official said.

    Iran takes the position that the sanctions are illegal and its
    companies have the right to do business everywhere. Economics Minister
    Shamseddin Hosseini said in an interview that to offset declining
    commerce with Europe and Mideast states, Iran looks to expand trade
    with Asia and the Caucasus region.

    "It's the new Dubai here" in Georgia, said a 25-year-old Iranian
    trader named Amin Akbari, referring to the United Arab Emirates
    financial center that historically has been the main overseas locus
    of Iranian business. Mr. Akbari's Tbilisi company, Saint Rich Amin,
    imports Iranian asphalt to Georgia and uses Georgia's Black Sea port
    to transport Ukrainian wheat to Iran-all legitimate trades.

    Commerce such as that, a large part of the Iran-related business
    here, doesn't normally run afoul of sanctions. Yet U.S. and European
    officials suspect that some illicit funds handled by other Iranians
    are mixing into the financial flood here. Some recent developments
    suggest why Washington is concerned.

    In the past two months, Georgian customs has caught Iranians landing
    from Dubai with a total of $315,000 in smuggled cash, according to
    the agency's website.

    Among Iranian companies marketing products in Georgia is one that
    counts among its customers back home the hard-line Revolutionary Guard.

    The company, Parsian Civilization Development Co., sells products in
    Georgia ranging from Iranian tomato sauce to bathroom tiles. "Georgia
    is a good market for us," said its general manager, Hamid Reza

    In Iran, though, Parsian sells a line of equipment that includes
    mobile-phone jammers. A list of customers on Parsian's website is a
    who's who of Iranian power centers: Besides the Revolutionary Guard
    there is the Interior Ministry, the office of the Supreme Leader and
    the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

    Mr. Miraftab didn't respond when asked about Parsian's business in
    Iran. There is no suggestion the group's Georgia business violates

    The surging Iranian presence in Georgia has startled the Obama
    administration because of deep U.S.-Georgia ties that developed after
    the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union. In 2008, the U.S. publicly
    supported Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili in Georgia's military
    clash with Russia. The U.S. also has supported Georgia's application,
    still pending, to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In
    addition, Georgia has been one of the few countries sending sizable
    troop deployments to back the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.

    But when it comes to Iran, Georgia, which recently elected a prime
    minister who takes a less pro-American stance than Mr. Saakashvili,
    seeks to forge an independent line, its officials said.

    A large portrait of George W. Bush stands along the highway to the
    Tbilisi airport, honoring the former U.S. president for his support
    in the 2008 war. Yet a few miles along the same road is a billboard
    for Sepahan Oil Co., an Iranian company subject to U.S. sanctions.

    Sepahan's office in Tehran didn't respond to requests for comment.

    Georgian officials said they regard Iran as too important
    diplomatically and economically to isolate or ignore. Although Georgia
    has shunned heavily sanctioned Iranian crude oil and natural gas,
    it imports lubricants and asphalt from Iran, some of it over land,
    according to Iranian businessmen in Tbilisi. Such trade could violate
    U.S. sanctions if it involves companies such as Sepahan.

    According to Georgian government officials, the closer ties between
    Iran and Georgia stem both from intimidation-after Iran threatened to
    recognize breakaway Georgian regions-and a need to tap into Tehran's
    economic potential. "It's not our interest to be on a high level of
    enmity with Iran," one official said.

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    In 2010, Georgia decided to lift visa requirements for Iranian
    nationals. It is one of just three countries in Europe and the broader
    Middle East that grant Iranians such easy access. The others are
    Turkey and Armenia.

    Companies registered by Iranians in Georgia shot up to 1,489 last
    year from just 84 in 2010, a corporate registry shows.

    More recently, the welcome has led growing numbers of Iranian nationals
    to move to Tbilisi from Dubai-which, under U.S. pressure, has been
    tightening its own restrictions on Iranian businesses, according to
    Georgian officials and Iranian businessmen.

    Three men, in particular, have driven the Iranian investment boom in
    Georgia, according to corporate documents and Georgian and Mideast

    Houshang Hosseinpour, Pourya Nayebi and Houshang Farsoudeh have jointly
    established one of Georgia's first private airlines, FlyGeorgia;
    have gained control of a bank, JSC InvestBank; and have opened a
    string of other ventures.

    They also negotiated last year to buy a Sheraton hotel in Tbilisi and
    the Poti industrial zone on the Black Sea, both from an investment
    fund controlled by one of the U.A.E.'s royal families. Mr. Nayebi
    said those efforts have been put on hold.

    The trio's rapid expansion has raised alarms in Washington and Europe
    rooted in worries their efforts might be linked to Iran's government,
    said Western officials. In visits to Tbilisi, U.S. Treasury officials
    have specifically raised the matter of the men's acquisitions,
    according to Georgian and American officials, based partly on their
    bank's dealings in the Iranian currency.

    Messrs. Hosseinpour and Nayebi, in separate interviews, denied
    any financial ties to Iran's government. They said they simply saw
    opportunity in Georgia after Dubai's welcome mat frayed.

    "I have no connections to Iran," Mr. Hosseinpour said. "We have
    nothing to do with evading sanctions."

    Mr. Nayebi said, "We are not working for Iran's government. We hate
    them and worked very hard to set up our businesses abroad away from
    Iran." The third man, Mr. Farsoudeh, didn't respond to interview

    Mr. Hosseinpour, in his mid-40s, was born in Tehran and later obtained
    residency permits in Canada and the U.A.E., plus in 2011 a passport
    from the tiny Caribbean nation St. Kitts and Nevis. His two partners
    also hold St. Kitts passports.

    Mr. Hosseinpour said he initially ran a trading business in Dubai
    focused on supplying cars and auto parts in the Middle East and North
    Africa. His family had hailed from the Caucasus region, he said, and
    he was drawn to Georgia after the 2008 Russian-Georgian conflict. He
    said he had bought about 500 acres near Georgia's border with Armenia
    to raise corn and wheat.

    Iranian airlines are increasingly cut off from international
    destinations as sanctions limit them in buying fuel and spare parts.

    Mr. Hosseinpour said that last year he founded FlyGeorgia, which
    established direct flights to Tehran. It is 65%-owned by him and Mr.

    Farsoudeh, Georgian corporate records show, with Mr. Nayebi as

    Business wasn't booming on a recent FlyGeorgia flight to Tbilisi from
    Dusseldorf, Germany. On a largely empty plane, fliers were served
    Georgian wines by hostesses in tightfitting red dresses, practices
    hardly suggestive of a link to Iran's theocracy.

    Messrs. Hosseinpour, Nayebi and Farsoudeh gained control of the
    Georgian bank InvestBank in 2011 through a Liechtenstein-based
    investment fund called KSN Foundation, Georgian corporate documents
    show. The bank that year reported holding some assets in Iran's rial,
    the only Georgian bank to do so.

    This is a red flag for Washington. The U.S. has passed a law, taking
    effect July 1, that calls for sanctioning any firm dealing in the
    currency outside of Iran. InvestBank held no rials at the end of 2012,
    a newer audit showed.

    Liechtenstein regulators began a preliminary inquiry into the
    foundation through which the Iranians bought InvestBank after
    learning the U.S. Treasury was investigating the bank on concerns
    it could be used to bypass U.S. sanctions on Iranian banks, said a
    top Liechtenstein financial regulator. Georgian financial regulators
    said that they are cooperating with the Treasury in investigating

    The Georgian regulators said they hadn't found evidence the bank
    helped Iran avoid sanctions. They did say that the bank's Iranian
    owners hadn't properly disclosed changes in the bank's board, and the
    Georgian central bank is looking into "whether any unlawful change
    in the ownership structure...has taken place," said a central-bank
    legal officer.

    Mr. Nayebi, InvestBank's chairman, said that "maybe [bank officials]
    didn't update" board changes with the regulator. He said the problem
    might have arisen because he was "too busy" with other Georgian
    ventures, such as one in agriculture.

    "The U.S. government is wasting its time" in scrutinizing InvestBank,
    Mr. Nayebi said. "We didn't do anything in breach of sanctions."

    Giorgi Kadagidze, the Georgian central bank's chief regulator, said
    his government is taking extra steps to make sure no sanctioned
    Iranian company can penetrate Georgia's banking system. Georgia
    recently amended its laws to bar any country subject to international
    sanctions from opening "microfinance" outlets that make small loans.

    "Everything regarding Iranians makes us take a much closer look
    because of the sanctions," Mr. Kadagidze said.

    Georgia banking officials said they have thwarted several efforts by
    Iranian banks or people linked to the Tehran regime to open finance
    offices in Georgia.

    Two years ago, Mr. Kadagidze said, top managers from Iran-based Bank
    Pasargad visited Tbilisi three times seeking to open a branch. Denied a
    license, the bank complained to the Georgian Foreign Ministry, he said.

    The U.S. has since blacklisted the bank, a designation that bars
    Americans from dealing with it and also puts pressure on foreign
    banks not to. A Pasargad public-relations official declined to comment.

    Iranian businessmen search out channels to finance their Georgian
    enterprises. Mr. Akbari said for his wheat exports, letters of credit
    are issued using accounts in China and Qatar.

    One Iranian trader in Tbilisi said he pays for imports from Iran by
    using a branch in neighboring Armenia of Iran's Bank Mellat, which
    is sanctioned by the U.S. and EU but not the U.N.

    Some Iranians in Georgia said they had to send cash overland to Tehran
    to pay for imports-worth the risk because Georgia is a rare friendly
    market. "We send the car through Turkey and Armenia,"
    said Mohsen Bashiri, who runs a Tehran-based company selling copper
    cable in Tbilisi. "We hope we can expand" in Georgia.

    --Asa Fitch contributed to this article.
