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Social Networking Spells Trouble for Armenian Journalists

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  • Social Networking Spells Trouble for Armenian Journalists


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #692
    June 19 2013

    Debate around whether reporters should be free to post whatever they
    like on Facebook.

    By Gohar Abrahamyan - Caucasus

    Two Armenian journalists have lost their jobs since March after
    expressing unguarded criticism of the government on social media.

    The latest case involves Armen Dulyan, presenter of the main news
    programme on the Shant television channel, who was dismissed on June

    "They called me and said I shouldn't come in to work any more as the
    bosses had decided to sack me," said Dulyan, 60, who had worked at
    Shant for three years, having previously worked at Radio Liberty for a
    decade and a half.

    In a comment posted on Facebook on June 8, Dulyan remarked on Russian
    television's decision to ban jokes about President Vladimir Putin's
    separation from his wife, and drew a comparison with the way Armenian
    TV stations were run.

    "How similar we are... Russia's new Public Television made a joke in
    yesterday's show about Vladimir Putin's divorce, but the show was
    quickly scrapped," he wrote. "How can you joke about the president?

    It's practically a coup attempt. See how primitive the people
    responsible for television are, both in Armenia and in Russia."

    On June 11, Shant issued a statement confirming that Dulyan had been
    dismissed on grounds of showing disrespect to the channel.

    Dulyan himself says there is more to the story. A year ago, he says,
    the channel's director called him and told him the government did not
    like the way he criticised it on Facebook, and asked him to refrain
    from doing so.

    According to Dulyan, he replied that he had a right to say whatever he
    wanted outside work, and pointed out that the TV channel had no code
    of conduct for its employees' behaviour on social media.

    "Even back then, I realised that a time would come when I'd be sacked,
    and I asked them to give me at least two weeks notice. But instead,
    they got some second-level official to call me and tell me I needn't
    come to work, in complete violation of labour law," he said.

    Mikael Piliposyan, head of the legal department at the Conference of
    Trade Unions, said he was sure the company had broken the law. Dulyan
    himself said he did not intend to sue the company, as he wanted
    nothing more to do with it.

    For its part, the Shant company, refused to comment on Dulyan's
    allegations and just repeated its previous statement.

    "Dulyan's offensive comments on social media about leading figures at
    Armenian television companies, and his public agreement with the crude
    and unashamed abuse that followed make it impossible to continue
    working with him," the company statement said. "We approve of any
    professional debate and any correctly-expressed opinion, but shameless
    abuse is totally unacceptable on all levels."

    Another journalist, Kima Yeghiazaryan, a correspondent for the
    pro-government daily Hayots Ashkharh (Armenian World), was dismissed
    at the end of March, also for comments posted on Facebook.

    "There weren't any personal insults or defamation in my posts, just a
    bit of irony about parliamentarians from the ruling Republican Party.

    Basically, I just took a fact and commented on it a little bit
    ironically or critically," Yeghiazaryan said.

    She blames the government for her dismissal, not Hayots Ashkharh's
    chief editor Gagik Lazarian, whom she respects.

    "I never considered myself part of the government, although I worked
    at a pro-government paper. I never wrote about the ruling elite," she
    said. "In my articles I commented on the activities of the opposition,
    and wrote what I really thought, not falsehoods. But if I work for a
    pro-government paper, does that mean I'm not allowed my own opinion?"

    Lazarian said every newspaper had its own political views and its
    journalists should not contradict them.

    "You can't write along the lines the newspaper favours in the morning
    and then write something that contradicts it on social media in the
    afternoon. That's what Kima Yeghiazaryan did," he said.

    The two incidents have sparked discussion about whether Armenia needs
    some form of regulation covering what journalists can or cannot say
    freely on social media networks.

    Facebook has become an increasingly influential forum in Armenia. The website which surveys social media use around the
    world says 416,500 people in Armenia were signed up to Facebook in
    April - more than 14 per cent of the total population and almost half
    of its web users.

    "There's now a need for ethical standards for social media use,"
    Gegham Manukyan, director of information and political programmes at
    the Yerkir Media television channel, said. "From the outset, all
    employees need to agree with management what they are going to post

    Davit Alaverdyan, editor-in-chief of the Mediamax news agency, said it
    would be better if media organisations introduced their own guidelines
    for employees, rather than having formal legislation.

    "The contract between employee and company could just have a line that
    regulates the journalist's behaviour online," he said.

    Gohar Abrahamyan is a reporter for

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress