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The regular disinformation campaign of Azerbaijan

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  • The regular disinformation campaign of Azerbaijan

    The regular disinformation campaign of Azerbaijan
    Wednesday, 19 June 2013 15:58

    Press secretary of the NKR General Prosecutor's Office Kim Gabrielyan
    touched upon the information recently placed on the Azerbaijani
    1NEWS.AZ website which alleges that `the employees of the Ministry of
    National Security of Azerbaijan revealed 12 people who through the
    Republic of Iran transported to Azerbaijan narcotic drugs grown in
    Karabakh' and said that the news item did not note who these people
    were and what nationality they represented as well as how much drugs
    they had detected and how the detected drugs had passed from the NKR
    to the IRI, later to Azerbaijan.

    According to him this indicates that the information is aimed at
    political speculation, especially considering the fact that it was
    presented through the `AzerTAJ' news agency on behalf of the chairman
    of the Azerbaijani youth organization of integration with Europe.

    Reminding about the fact collecting mission realized in the NKR
    frontier regions by the OSCE in 2005 and in 2010 the press secretary
    stated that the mediators did not hint at the existence of any
    uncontrolled areas there or at the cultivation and export of drug
    containing plants from the NKR frontier zones. `One should not forget
    also the fact that such world famous international organizations as
    the Red Cross and `THE HALLO TRUST' mine clearing organization have
    been carrying humanitarian activities in Artsakh for quite a long
    time. If during the past years they had even once noticed drug
    plantations here, they would have surely given an alarm about it. And
    finally, quite recently the US ambassador in Azerbaijan in answer to
    one of the news agency's question in this connection said that he had
    no information about the growth and export of narcotic drugs from
    Nagorno Karabakh. Thus, the announcement of chairman of the
    Azerbaijani youth organization of integration with Europe Gyulsel
    Safarova about Nagorno Karabakh as an area spreading terrorism and
    drugs is at least groundless and senseless,' said Kim Gabrielyan and
    pointed out on the opinions of the international observers who after
    their visit to the NKR claimed that the criminality rate in Artsakh is
    lower even in comparison with a number of European countries. `By the
    data of 2012 which reflect back the main indices of the previous years
    the average crime rate in the NKR formed 27.2 crimes per 10.000
    inhabitants. No cases of terrorism were recorded during at least the
    past 13 years,' the press secretary emphasized.

    `There is no illegal circulation of heavy drugs /heroin, cocaine,
    hashish/ in Artsakh, yet, however few they are, we still have cases of
    growing drug containing poppy and hemp plants. From 2008 to 2012 the
    rate of crimes connected with growing, realizing and using drug
    containing plants in the NKR varied between 39 to 44 cases. This means
    that not only the drug circulation is at quite a low rate here but it
    is also consistently controlled by the law enforcement bodies,' the
    press secretary assured and reminded about the data of the Azerbaijani
    `Harm reduction networks' according to which the number of injecting
    drug users in Azerbaijan exceeds 90.000. `If we add the marijuana
    smokers who several times exceed in number those in Karabakh it will
    become clear how disastrous the drug addiction situation in Azerbaijan
    is', he said and pointed out on the international narcotics control
    strategy report 2010 of the US state department according to which
    Azerbaijan is considered to transport narcotic drugs from Afghanistan,
    Central Asia and Iran to Russia and Europe. The same report notes that
    the number of drug addicts has increased in the country and heroin has
    got an active circulation there.
