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Mumbai: How the past has shaped Armenian's future

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  • Mumbai: How the past has shaped Armenian's future

    DNA Daily News & Analysis, India
    June 22 2013

    How the past has shaped Armenian's future

    Saturday, Jun 22, 2013, 19:02 IST | Place: Mumbai
    Joanna Lobo

    Bhaswati X Bhattacharya is a fellow in residence at the Centre for
    Modern Indian Studies at Gottingen. She has published articles in
    academic journals and has been working to publishing a book on her
    research into the Armenian community which will be released soon.

    What is your book about?

    The book is about Armenians in India from 1700 to 1947. I begin with
    the trade network in the pre-colonial period, see what is changing in
    the colonial times, how the identity formation takes place during the
    late colonial period, and the effects of all this on the current
    situation of the community.

    What is your interest in Armenians in India?

    If you mean how I got interested in the subject: as a PhD student of
    Indian maritime commerce I found Armenians being mentioned in all
    European sources. My inquiry took me to their church in Barabazar, the
    Armenian College and a few leading members of the community in
    Calcutta. It was while talking to them that I decided to pursue this
    research as a post-doctoral research.

    What has your research revealed?

    Writing about Armenian commerce in the pre-colonial period, Armenian
    scholars tend to show the importance of New Julfa in Persia in this
    network. New Julfa was important as it was the main centre of
    Armenians in the East since the evacuation of rich merchants and
    others of Julfa in Armenia in early seventeenth century by the Persian
    Emperor Shah Abbas. But my research demonstrates why from the late
    17th century Indian settlements became important for Armenians, and
    how from the early 18th century Armenians in these settlements became
    more and more financially independent of New Julfa (commercial contact
    notwithstanding). My research emphasises how, beginning from scratch
    sometimes, these merchants built up their networks, based at places
    like Madras, Calcutta etc. The identity formation in the colonial
    period is an eye-opener.

    Do you think the community in India will remain just a footnote in
    history or will there be a revival?

    The community needs to open up and broaden their horizons a bit, and
    not focus on a single entity or region else they will remain just a
    footnote. However, I see change coming from other corners that have
    raised hopes and are good, healthy signs. Armenian and Indian citizens
    marrying without having to ask for the community's approval. Armenia
    always looked to the West but new business relations between Armenia
    and India have begun in the wake of economic liberalisation. These
    have opened up new opportunities and people are not looking up to the
    old authorities.

    From: Baghdasarian