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Turkish textbooks under fire in German schools

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  • Turkish textbooks under fire in German schools

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    June 21, 2013 Friday 10:24 AM EST

    Turkish textbooks under fire in German schools

    Education experts in Germany have called for a ban on some textbooks
    issued by Turkish authorities for use in German schools. They fear the
    books have a biased view of history.

    Swearing an oath to the Turkish motherland is a normal part of school
    life in Turkey. In German classrooms, however, it is causing a stir.
    "It's my goal to protect the young, honor the aged and love my country
    and motherland more than myself."

    It is a quote from the "Türkce ve Türk Kültürü" ("Turkish and Turkish
    culture") textbook that many teachers in Germany are using to teach
    pupils in Germany of Turkish origin in Turkish.

    It was specifically issued by the Ministry for National Education of
    the Republic of Turkey in Ankara for use abroad. The Turkish
    consulates in Germany sent the books out to all Turkish teachers in
    Germany, claiming that there simply wasn't a better choice that could
    be used everywhere.

    At odds with teachers in Germany

    But that's not so, said Hassan Taschkale, who is responsible for
    multicultural politics at the Education and Science Union in the
    western state of North Rhine-Westphalia. "There is sufficient and very
    good material out there, that's why I'm not using these books," he

    "It seems the government in Turkey is trying to impose its rituals on
    German-Turkish students, too," he claimed.

    The contentious textbooks have primarily been used in North
    Rhine-Westphalia, as teachers there are free to use additional
    material that is not normally included in the curriculum.

    After many schools complained about the textbooks' content, the union
    has called for the books to be banned.

    The group said it fears the texts are too nationalistic and, in
    places, present a skewed view of history. The state's School Ministry
    is investigating those claims.

    A right to Turkish culture and language?

    The Turkish Embassy in Germany would not comment on the commotion
    surrounding the textbooks, instead pointing out Germany's policy of
    not recognizing dual citizenship. "The people between the ages of 18
    and 23 who chose Turkish citizenship regrettably lose their German
    citizenship according to German law," the embassy said. "If you look
    at these young people as future Turkish citizens, then it is their
    right to get to know their culture and langauge."

    Accusations of altering history

    The third volume of the textbook says that Armenians joined the
    Russians and English in 1915 and tried to weaken the Ottoman Empire.
    According to the text, the Armenians contractually agreed to give up
    their lands after the First World War. There is, however, no mention
    in the book of the expulsion and murder of up to 1.5 million

    "What is cited about the genocide is a real problem," said Barbara
    Christophe of the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook
    Research, adding that she was not surprised as the book represents the
    same view of events taken by textbooks in Turkey.

    While Christophe said it was good the book touched on the conflict
    with Armenians, which had been completely denied by school texts as
    late as the 1990s, she said it was done in an unacceptable manner.
    "This is naturally a representation that one cannot consent to,"
    Christophe said.

    She also said Germany sets a standard for its history textbooks that
    is not comparable to other countries. Due to its Nazi history, Germans
    are particularly careful about the presentation of historical context.
    Christophe said school kids in Germany are always informed about
    history's ethical dimensions in addition to factual data published in
    history books. This often means students believe they have adequately
    addressed a given topic and do not need to grapple with it personally.
    "That leads kids to think that what they are learning has nothing to
    do with them," Christophe said.

    She had a more positive view of British textbooks, "They try to show
    the historical dilemmas and create an understanding for how a person
    acted at a certain point in history." Such an approach to history
    could be an example for Turkish textbooks, Christophe added.

    German textbooks exclude migrants

    When it comes to integration, the textbook expert said German school
    books are less than satisfying. Christophe participated in a study of
    the presentation of migrants and migration in German textbooks where
    she said she found outdated views.

    "There are phrases that exclude children with foreign heritage," she
    said. "Sentences like 'the Muslims are people who need our
    understanding' can still be found today in German textbooks."

    That was one reason Christophe said discussions about the
    controversial Turkish textbooks should not only point the finger at
    Turkey but also look at how integration can be improved here in
    Germany. Banning the books from being used, she said, would send the
    wrong signal.

