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Pipoyan: Unfounded increase in prices occurs in Armenia

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  • Pipoyan: Unfounded increase in prices occurs in Armenia

    Pipoyan: Unfounded increase in prices occurs in Armenia

    Following the gas price hike, the prices of other goods have begun to
    go up, regardless of whether their production is related to gas or
    not, Chairman of Well-Informed and Protected Consumer NGO Babken
    Pipoyan said at a meeting with reporters today.

    In his words, the increase in prices is unfounded. `If a
    manufacturer's expenses grow by 1%, then the price of the product
    increases by 5-10% in the market, `he noted.

    B. Pipoyan blamed the recent increase in prices of dairy products on
    manufacturers and the competent state bodies that don't keep the
    situation under control.

    20.06.2013, 15:32
