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Real Revolution

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  • Real Revolution

    Real Revolution

    Under the pressure of protests in Brazil the authorities promised to
    direct oil revenues at education, public health and social issues.

    Protests were triggered by raise of fares and escalated to
    demonstrations against the social policy of the government. Experts
    say that the recent demonstrations all over the world are caused by
    unequal distribution of income.

    In the beginning was Occupy Wall Street whose participants formulated,
    though roughly, the key issue of the world - 99% of income belongs to
    1% of population. The other 99% lives on credit, monthly salary, is in
    full dependence on banks and rich employers.

    Armenia is a classic modern state. After independence and
    privatization the national wealth appeared in the hands of several
    clans on which now 99% of the population of the country depends. The
    clans usurped political power and are ruling the country, feeling as
    caliphs of the days.

    So far most protests put forth political demands. They are mainly
    against usurpation of power and impunity. Efforts were made to change
    government through elections, post-electoral movements. However, the
    problem did not get to the basis though obviously usurpation of power
    resulted from unfair distribution of national wealth.

    Now the key question is how the current government officials got state
    assets and their wealth.

    The Armenian oligarchs have to publish figures that used to be
    considered trade secrets. Taron Margaryan published his declaration of
    income which gave rise to even more questions. The prime minister had
    to answer questions on offshore assets. Ruben Hairapetyan confessed
    that he partly owns the rights to Henrikh Mkhitaryan's transfer.
    Vardan Ayvazyan states that he earned his millions by loading train
    cars. Ishkhan Zakaryan states that 70% of the state budget is exposed
    to corruption risk.

    Most interestingly, the authorities have to collect money from their
    own pockets to help the hail-stricken farms of Armavir. It did not
    resolve their problems but during their demonstrations they asked
    impolite but very important questions. The protests of the farmers of
    Armavir are hardly settled.

    The government of Brazil has decided to carry out social reforms not
    because it fears the demonstrators. It has understood that people feel
    like owners of the national wealth and have stopped recognizing
    someone else's exclusive right. Continuation of demonstrations will
    question ownership of property. And ownership of property is the basis
    of the current world.

    In Armenia redistribution of property is inevitable. Those who are
    unable to prove their right to ownership will have to give what they
    have aggregated. Currently it is taking place at the level of fight
    among oligarchs.

    However, at some moment the society will present a bill to all the
    oligarchs and government officials and demand nationalization of
    national assets misappropriated illegally. A bill will be presented to
    those leaders who have handed over strategic communications and
    facilities to Russia. Such cosmetic actions as a 10,000 dram increase
    of salary will not save. People demand what legally belongs to them.
    This is a real revolution for means of production and national wealth.

    Naira Hayrumyan
    18:20 22/06/2013
    Story from News:
