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Eduardo Eurnekian has not built geothermal power station in Armenia

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  • Eduardo Eurnekian has not built geothermal power station in Armenia

    Eduardo Eurnekian has not built geothermal power station in Armenia

    June 22, 2013 | 01:56

    YEREVAN. - The Sisian area of Armenia has a rich potential for
    producing electricity.

    Along the lines of a USAID program, a solar heater was recently
    installed for the polyclinic of Darpas village in the area.

    In terms winds, according to the Energy and Natural Resources
    Ministry, the wind energy capacity at SisianPass is estimated at 140

    Also, there is an underwater hot water mine at Jermaghbyur, and
    Armenia's first geothermal power station and a greenhouse network were
    planned to be built here.

    According to the plan that was designed with assistance by the World
    Bank, three-kilometer deep six wells were to be dug at Jermaghbyur. At
    the time, the respective investments were valued at $39.1 million.

    When this program was considered full of prospect, in 2006 the
    Armenian government had decided to hand it over to Corporacion America
    Company that belongs to Argentinean-Armenian businessman Eduardo
    Eurnekian. But there is no progress in this project.

    News from Armenia -
