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Our 20% share to `Gazprom': for subsidization?

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  • Our 20% share to `Gazprom': for subsidization?

    Our 20% share to `Gazprom': for subsidization?

    June 21 2013

    Recently, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Armen Movsisyan
    stated that they are negotiating with `Gazprom' owning 80% of
    `ArmRusGazArd' about concedeing 20% of Armenian share. `Gazprom' wants to
    become a 100% owner `ArmRusGazArd'. Whether transferring those 20%
    belonging to Armenia to the Russian side, we will not pay for the grant
    expected from Russia, with the help of which the government is going to
    make a 30% subsidy for the gas which will become expensive from the next
    month. The negotiations to receive a grant for the subsidy, as the
    government assures, are pending, but actually it's not excluded that by
    just giving 20% of Armenian share of ' ArmRusGazArd `, the Russian grant
    will be paid. However, by estimations of economists, the volume of 30%
    subsidy coincides with the price of 20% of Armenian share. In a talk with
    `Aravot', the Deputy of ARF faction, economist Artsvik Minasyan presented
    her analysis, according to which, only the balance value of the share of
    the Armenian side, calculated as of January 1, 20013, amounts to AMD
    150-160 million, which coincides with our 20% participation in `ARG'. `This
    corresponds to the number which is the value of 30% subsidy of the last
    price increase of `Gazprom' for gas.

    It is possible that we concede the share, because my calculations show that
    the numbers are the same. If we multiply the volume of gas entering Armenia
    during one year, and calculate 30%, the numbers are almost the same. If
    this is sitting on the negotiation table, then we may say that the
    statement made by the Government of Armenia again does not meet the
    reality, when talking about receiving grant from Russia. This is a simple
    transaction under the name share for the gas. But the subsidy cannot be a
    long-term, just 1-2 years.' As presented by Mr. Minasyan, if we take into
    account that ArmRusGazArd in addition of gas acquiring and distribution, is
    also implementing other energy projects, given the fact that the company
    has a strategic importance, monopoly position and is an extended company,
    the sale of 20% Armenian share must be viewed as a business sale, and
    150-160 million balance must be multiplied by several times, and, in this
    respect, 20% is of a significant importance. As for losing 20% Armenian
    share of ArmRusGazArd, with which we are going to lose many opportunities,
    Mr. Minasyan thinks that with that 20% so far the Government of Armenia did
    not use any serious opportunity and right. According to the Deputy,
    ArmRusGazArd is a closed joint-stock company, and 20% provides a number of
    rights in the joint-stock companies. `He enjoys the right to vote at the
    general meeting of shareholders, where the company's strategic issues are
    determined, has the right to have a representative on the board of
    directors. In addition, 20% has a decisive importance in major and
    interested transactions, for example, if the `Gazprom' delivers its
    products to `ArmRusGazArd', and the latter must make a decision, the right
    for making the decision in this case is reserved exclusively to 20%. The
    other important and fundamental right is the right to receive the dividend.
    In this sense, when we analyze to understand whether the Government of
    Armenia has used its rights or not, it appears that no annual or general
    meeting of the shares was held, where the Armenian side may speak against
    regarding the principal issues. Our government does not excel with
    remarkable efficiency in the composition of the Management Board, not any
    interested deal is mentioned or published, and when we send a written
    request to the Minister of Energy, they have noted that such deals were not
    made. While it is clear that acquisition of gas is a big deal, if we do not
    account other investment projects.

    As for the right to receive dividend, we see that Armenia's budget has not
    ever received any dividend, we haven't received revenues, and why, it is a
    subject for another analysis. `In other words, according to Mr. Minasyan,
    with 20% and important rights equivalent to them, our government did not
    use them anyway. An opinion was expressed that it would be right if our
    government would sell 20% to Armenia business entities or residents of
    Armenia. In this regard, Artsvik Minasyan said that, of course, it would be
    nice, but for this reason the gas supplying company should become an open
    joint stock company from a closed join stock company, which, of course,
    they will not do. As viewed by the Deputy, `Armenia cannot sell its 20%
    share without `preliminary consent of Gazprom. `Gazprom' has a preferential
    right to purchase, after refusal of `Gazprom' other persons can make a
    proposal. And in this case, if the proposal is public, the organizational
    structure of the company must be changed, it must become an open and sell
    at the stock exchange. This would be a major step to become a public
    company. But I can confidently say that the Russian side would not agree.'
    Artsvik Minasyan pointed to another problem, the Government of Armenia, in
    fact, from now one will have to consider not `ArmRusGazArd' but `Gazprom'
    as an operator for selling gas to Armenia. The latter with the help of its
    daughter enterprise `Armrusgasprom' and its own `Transgaz' delivers
    services to Armenia. `And the fixed price at the boarder does not matter,
    except when calculated for VAT. The policy `Gazprom' is unprecedented
    because there is no such high rate in any other country in the territory.
    Here the government is able to influence and demanded from `Gazprom' to
    eliminate discriminatory policy towards Armenia, it remains only to wish.
    In other words, `Gazprom' receives profit from `Transgaz' and
    `Armrusgasard,' and residential viewpoint it does not have the right to
    implement a discriminatory policy: to sell gas to Armenians at more
    expensive price than, let's say, to Russians.'

    Nelli Babayan `Aravot' Daily
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