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Serzh Sargsyan's Weddings

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  • Serzh Sargsyan's Weddings

    Serzh Sargsyan's Weddings

    Another `elite' wedding is coming up to which Serzh Sargsyan is also
    invited. By the way, Robert Kocharyan and Hovik Abrahamyan will not
    participate although their in-laws are getting married.

    The press reported that Robert Kocharyan went to Karabakh and met with
    the `Karabakh clan' and negotiated his appointment as prime minister
    because Serzh Sargsyan does not keep the situation under control.
    Meanwhile, Hovik Abrahamyan has most probably decided to leave Armenia
    after the scandalous report of the Control Chamber and his critical

    Has Serzh Sargsyan really lost control over the situation? From the
    point of view of the oligarchic system of Armenia, it is true. The
    system was shattered during his office. However, it would be ruined
    without him because internal and external circumstances occurred which
    made former arrangements obsolete.

    For his part, Serzh Sargsyan did not succeed or was reluctant to shape
    a new system and set new rules for all the spheres of life in Armenia.

    As a result, the old system is not effective and is not able to
    transform, and there is no new system, therefore all the spheres of
    life are affected by degradation. A technology of `controllable chaos'
    is applied, which is obviously out of control of the government and
    the political class.

    Apparently, the process will continue because the government and the
    political class do not appear to have mechanisms and intellectual
    resource to work out a solution.

    There is both internal and external pressure. Russia and Turkey block
    all the efforts for foreign political and economic diversification,
    development of economy and technology. Their ally, whether
    intentionally or not, is the Armenian oligarchy. It also acts towards
    the same goal because otherwise it will lose its current influence.
    The so-called Armenian political class also acts towards the same
    goal. It is a group of servicemen and political screen for the

    However, all can be overcome through introduction of effective
    mechanisms of organization of domestic life, modernization of
    governance and parallel economy. In addition, the partners of Armenia
    abroad have expressed their opinion openly, expressing their readiness
    to help. However, the current government, political and business class
    with their qualities, inclinations and mercantile goals make any such
    process impossible, and the only technology is controllable chaos
    which will lead to nobody knows where.

    So, only weddings and parties are left at which the Armenian `elite'
    is the best. When they fail to build a state, all that is left to do
    is to party.

    Haik Aramyan
    12:37 22/06/2013
    Story from News:
