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ISTANBUL: Demonstration marking 1993 Sivas massacre joins hands with

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  • ISTANBUL: Demonstration marking 1993 Sivas massacre joins hands with

    Hurriyet, Turkey
    June 23 2013

    Demonstration marking 1993 Sivas massacre joins hands with Gezi Park

    ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency

    Thousands gathered in Istanbul's Anatolian district of Kadıköy to mark
    the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Sivas massacre, upon a call from
    Alevi associations.

    A number of unions as well as the Taksim Solidarity Platform, a local
    organization that launched the Gezi Park protests, also attended the
    demonstration. A representative of the platform made a speech
    emphasizing that their demands had yet to be met by the government.

    The crowd was commemorating the killing of 35 people on the night of
    July 1-2, 1993, in an arson attack led by a mob on a hotel where many
    Alevi intellectuals and artists who had come to Sivas for a conference
    were staying. The controversies surrounding the pogrom have never
    completely been uncovered and an Ankara court dropped the case on the
    killings in March 2012, ruling that the charges against the suspects
    exceeded the statute of limitations. The Madımak hotel has since
    become a symbol of the discrimination faced by the Alevi community,
    who have long asked the state to turn it into a memorial museum.

    Demonstrators also commemorated Ethem Sarısülük, a young Alevi
    protester who died after allegedly being shot by police during the
    Gezi Park events in Ankara.

    Outcry over third Bosphorus bridge's name

    At the Kadıköy demonstration, Kemal Bülbül, the Chairman of the Pir
    Sultan Abdal Culture Association, slammed Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    ErdoÄ?an's attitude toward the Alevi community. "After saying 'one
    confession,' 'one religion,' 'one language,' 'one race,' he now says
    'one man.' We don't accept any of it," Bülbül said.

    He also criticized the choice of the name "Yavuz Sultan Selim" for the
    future third bridge over the Bosphorus. Known in English as "Selim the
    Grim," Selim is the Ottoman Sultan who is well known for slaughtering
    Alevis, and the Alevi community has repeatedly expressed its outrage
    over the government's selection.

    Following the bridge furor, President Abdullah Gül proposed to name a
    future project after Hacı BektaÅ?, a mystic who influenced the Alevi
    faith, or the Alevi poet Pir Sultan Abdal.

    "Change the name of the university in Sivas to Pir Sultan Abdal.
    Establish the Hacı BektaÅ? Theology University. Change the name of
    Tunceli, which is in fact the name of a military operation, back to
    Dersim. Then we'll talk," Bülbül said.

    "Establish an inquiry commission into all the people who have been the
    victim of massacres: Alevis, Armenians, Syriacs, Turks, and Kurds," he

    The Kadıköy demonstration came on the same day that ErdoÄ?an warned of
    attempts to "foment ethnic tensions" in Turkey during a rally in
    Erzurum. He also hinted that a future rally could be held in Sivas, as
    preparations for the 20th commemoration of the attack on the Madımak
    hotel are ongoing.

