APA, Azerbaijan
June 24 2013
Strasbourg. Fuad Gulubeyli-APA. Today, member of Azerbaijani delegation
Rovshan Rzayev had a speech at the free discussions of the summer
plenary session of the PACE
Correcting Armenian FM Edward Nalbandyan's speech, as if Azerbaijan
not fully agrees with the items of the statement on Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, issued by the head of the OSCE co-chair states at the G8
Summit, Azerbaijani MP noted that Azerbaijani President declared his
support to the statement,.
Alongside, Rovshan Rzayev noted that although Nagorno Karabakh conflict
is between Armenia and Azerbaijan, communities of both people of
Nagorno Karabakh are first victims of the conflict.
"Therefore we think that contacts between communities of both peoples
can present positive effect on the high level peace talks. But
unfortunately, during this time I cannot find anybody to support
it. I have addressed also to Jean-Claude Mignon on this issue. And I
express my gratitude to Mr. Mignon that he could organize a meeting
of 2 delegations around one table.
But I wish to increase number of this dialogues and contacts. Here,
just now I want to address Mrs. Zohrabyan, I ask her: let's to start
since now and sit on negotiations table. If in Azerbaijani parliament
there is a law on punishment for the dialogue with Armenians, then I
am ready to be punished for this law. I want to be sure that there
will be somebody to hear my and voice of Azerbaijani community of
Nagorno Karabakh, wishing to solve this issue only via negotiations.
Such a dialogue will serve living together of both peoples'
representatives normally", said Rovshan Rzayev.
APA, Azerbaijan
June 24 2013
Strasbourg. Fuad Gulubeyli-APA. Today, member of Azerbaijani delegation
Rovshan Rzayev had a speech at the free discussions of the summer
plenary session of the PACE
Correcting Armenian FM Edward Nalbandyan's speech, as if Azerbaijan
not fully agrees with the items of the statement on Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, issued by the head of the OSCE co-chair states at the G8
Summit, Azerbaijani MP noted that Azerbaijani President declared his
support to the statement,.
Alongside, Rovshan Rzayev noted that although Nagorno Karabakh conflict
is between Armenia and Azerbaijan, communities of both people of
Nagorno Karabakh are first victims of the conflict.
"Therefore we think that contacts between communities of both peoples
can present positive effect on the high level peace talks. But
unfortunately, during this time I cannot find anybody to support
it. I have addressed also to Jean-Claude Mignon on this issue. And I
express my gratitude to Mr. Mignon that he could organize a meeting
of 2 delegations around one table.
But I wish to increase number of this dialogues and contacts. Here,
just now I want to address Mrs. Zohrabyan, I ask her: let's to start
since now and sit on negotiations table. If in Azerbaijani parliament
there is a law on punishment for the dialogue with Armenians, then I
am ready to be punished for this law. I want to be sure that there
will be somebody to hear my and voice of Azerbaijani community of
Nagorno Karabakh, wishing to solve this issue only via negotiations.
Such a dialogue will serve living together of both peoples'
representatives normally", said Rovshan Rzayev.