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Active Processes Under Way Inside ARF-D - Aghvan Vardanyan

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  • Active Processes Under Way Inside ARF-D - Aghvan Vardanyan


    15:27 ~U 26.06.13

    Secretary of Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun faction
    Aghvan Vardanyan confesses that as of the moment active but hidden
    processes are under way inside the party.

    "Active but unseen processes are under way inside the party to
    reinterpret the activity of the past years, the mistakes, omissions,
    to understand the real situation in the country and our role," he said,
    speaking to reporters on Wednesday.

    ARF-D MP noted that they still face issue of restoring the trust of
    wider layers of the public.

    He said it is clear that they the ARF-D has failed to create trust
    among people and currently reforms are ongoing inside the party and
    soon they will be introduced to the people.

    Summing up the ongoing political processes, the opposition MP said only
    seemingly the active political phase has passed, while in reality the
    political situation in the country is as tense as it has never been.

    "Obviously, hard moral-psychological atmosphere dominates in the
    country, emigration moods prevail and on this background certain
    processes in the government - Control Chamber-Government conflict,
    offshore scandals, situation in villages, gas, electricity tariffs. We
    are living in difficult times," the ARF-D MP said. He also stressed
    that conflicts have also rose inside the ruling circles and it is
    not clear where it will take the country. "The main reason of it is
    the extremely monopolized political system. Currently everyone is
    waiting for the president to speak," he said.

    Vardanyan said it will be good if the president comes up with a speech
    like he did in the first years of his presidency.

    "I would like the president address the people in early fall, I think
    the situation and the foreign and domestic challenges have reached
    the level when it is necessary to get the guidelines for the country,
    to dictate clear rules of the game, for the country be able to get
    out of the existing situation," he said.

    Armenian News -
