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Serzh Sargsyan's Requirement To European Union

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  • Serzh Sargsyan's Requirement To European Union


    During the joint press conference Serzh Sargsyan stated that the
    actions of Azerbaijan and Turkey contradict European values. ~SFor some
    people Europe is a market, not a system of values,~T Serzh Sargsyan
    said, perhaps meaning that Turkey and Azerbaijan are in trade with
    Europe, whereas he is not trading anything, he believes in Europe.

    It is not clear why Serzh Sargsyan is trying to score Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. Most probably, by underlining the anti-European nature of
    Turkey and Azerbaijan, Sargsyan tried to appear as a European leader.
    He thinks he stands a chance now that Saakashvili is having problems
    in Georgia. Domestic policy does not give Serzh Sargsyan any argument,
    or Europe does not believe his internal arguments and so he has to
    rely on shaping an anti-European image for Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    At the same time, when Serzh Sargsyan stressed the circumstance of
    the anti-European conduct of Azerbaijan and Turkey against Armenia,
    he stated that ~Swe expect a full and precise evaluation of its

    This is interesting. In fact, when he says that Europe is a market,
    not a value for Azerbaijan and Turkey, Serzh Sargsyan actually offers
    a deal to Europe demanding to condemn Turkey for keeping the border

    What is the motive of Serzh Sargsyan~Rs condition? Most probably,
    Serzh Sargsyan~Rs visit to Poland would be a breakthrough in the
    process of European integration of Armenia. It is not accidental that
    the secretary of the Russian National Security Council arrived in
    Armenia on the eve of his visit, the official stance of the Armenian
    society on the Eurasian Union was published which was not in favor
    of European integration, the head of the Delegation of the European
    Union Trian Hristea announced that Armenia is fast moving towards
    the Association Agreement and does not complain of pressure by Moscow
    but at the same time he held out hope that nothing extraordinary will
    happen in November to stop the process.

    In Poland which, by the way, coordinates Eastern Partnership, Serzh
    Sargsyan has probably been asked the question straightly. The claim
    for a clear and full evaluation of the actions of Turkey and Azerbaijan
    is most probably Serzh Sargsyan~Rs answer to Europe.

    On the one hand, it means that Serzh Sargsyan has not had equally
    honest and clear answers to honest and clear questions. Therefore he
    has put forth an extra claim to mark time and get counterarguments
    why he is hesitating in a real policy of European integration. On the
    other hand, it is possible that extra requirements have been made by
    Serzh Sargsyan to which he replied with an extra requirement.

    At the same time, a clear stance of Europe on Turkey and Azerbaijan is
    a concern for Armenia because if Armenia makes commitments to deserve
    European integration, while the European Union has to express a clear
    position on key issues for Armenia. The European Union should not
    only expect or demand political guarantees from Armenia but also give
    such guarantees, especially that the issue is closely related to the
    security of Armenia. It must be a key component of our relation with
    the European Union. Moreover, Armenia should not only demand a full
    and clear evaluation on Turkey and Azerbaijan from Europe but also
    ask the European Union straightly whether the latter is ready for
    practical assistance in ensuring the security of Armenia. This point
    must be clearly stated in the agenda of relations between Armenia
    and the West. The next issue is that Armenia must be motivated by
    effective integration, not continuity of imitation of integration.

    Hakob Badalyan 11:24 27/06/2013
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