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Syria: Christians Take Up Arms For First Time

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  • Syria: Christians Take Up Arms For First Time


    Intifada Palestine
    June 27 2013

    By Ruth Sherlock, Carol Malouf in Beirut

    The Christian community has tried to avoid taking sides in the civil
    war. In Aleppo, it recruited vigilantes from the Boy Scout movement to
    protect churches, but as the war moved into the city and spread across
    its suburbs they have begun to accept weapons from the Syrian army
    and joined forces with Armenian groups to repel opposition guerrillas.

    "Everybody is fighting everybody," said George, an Armenian Christian
    from the city. "The Armenians are fighting because they believe the
    FSA are sent by their Turkish oppressors to attack them, the Christians
    want to defend their neighbourhoods, Shabiha regime militia are there
    to kill and rape, the army is fighting the FSA, and the [Kurdish
    militant group] PKK have their own militia too."

    For the past six weeks up to 150 Christian and Armenian fighters
    have been fighting to prevent Free Syrian Army rebels from entering
    Christian heartland areas of Aleppo.

    Last month the Syrian army claimed a 'victory' in removing FSA fighters
    from the historic Christian quarter of Jdeidah. But Christian militia
    fighters told the Daily Telegraph it was they who had first attacked
    the FSA there.

    "The FSA were hiding in Farhat Square in Jdeideh. The Church committees
    stormed in and cleansed the area. Then the Syrian army

    joined us. They claimed the victory on State television," said George,
    who like many Christian refugees is too scared to give his full name.

    "The rebels were threatening the churches."

    The area, defined by its boutique shops, narrow cobbled streets and the
    spires and cupolas of the Maronite, Orthodox and Armenian churches,
    had over the weeks become infiltrated with sniper positions and
    checkpoints, residents said.

    "FSA snipers were on the rooftops and they were attacking the Maronite
    church and Armenian residents there," said a former clergyman calling
    himself John, now in Beirut, who said he had witnessed the battle.

    The battle for Aleppo has become bitter, with militant jihadist groups
    playing a more prominent role than in any other city.

    It has become increasingly scarred by accusations of atrocities
    on both sides, most recently the mass killing of 20 regime troops,
    whose bodies were displayed on a video apparently uploaded to the
    internet by a rebel militia.

    Residents of the city told The Telegraph that the city's minorities
    feared that they would suffer the same fate as Christians in Iraq, who

    were heavily targeted by the sectarian violence that erupted after
    the 2003 war.

    "They are shouting 'the Alawites to the graves and the Christians to
    Beirut," said an Armenian mother of four who recently fled the city -
    a claim also made by several other Christian refugees.

    John said that contrary to reports Aleppo's minority groups and wealthy
    residents were not all regime supporters. But he said they felt they
    had to protect themselves from 'peasant immigrants' who were using
    the war to destroy the city's sophisticated


    "I am not in support of the government, but the FSA are all a bunch
    of thugs and thieves. I watched them steal from a textile

    factory - they took everything; gas, materials, even the beading

    Increasingly on the offensive, Syrian rebels killed at least 18
    soldiers in a car bomb and ground attack on a military position
    in neighbouring Idlib province, the Syrian Observatory for Human
    Rights said.

    In Aleppo on Wednesday four Syrian Armenians were reported killed
    and 13 wounded in an ambush near the airport.

    The new UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi is to meet Syrian President Bashar
    al-Assad in Damascus on Thursday, in a last-ditch effort to rescue
    the country from civil war.

    Any military intervention looked to be firmly off limits on Wednesday.

    Philip Hammond, the defence secretary, made clear that Western
    countries would not consider such action whilst Russia and China
    continued to oppose it.

    Seeing little hope of change many Christians have already joined the
    hundreds of thousands who have fled the country. The UN High

    Commission for Refugees said 253,000 Syrians were now registered
    with them.

    Many Christians say they hold little hope of returning.

    From: Baghdasarian