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The Peril Of Stiffing A Rare Friend In The Caucasus; Obama's Aloofne

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  • The Peril Of Stiffing A Rare Friend In The Caucasus; Obama's Aloofne


    The Washington Times
    June 26, 2013 Wednesday


    In his June 21 column about President Obama's speech in Berlin, George
    Will essentially referred to the president as scarily detached from
    reality. Based upon my 30-plus years of experience on the House of
    Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, I have to agree with Mr.

    Will that this president is scarily detached from reality - especially
    when it comes to foreign relations.

    Time and time again, this administration led from behind and
    consequently badly mishandled events in Egypt, Libya, North Korea
    (which has become increasing erratic and belligerent) and Iran. At
    the moment, the administration is naively stumbling into a potential
    disaster in Syria. Their seemingly willful disengagement from the
    Caucasus, particularly Azerbaijan, threatens to destabilize a region
    vital to American interests.

    The only country in the world directly bordering Russia and Iran,
    Azerbaijan is squeezed between the neo-imperialist ambitions of Moscow
    and the theocratic proliferation of Iran. The fundamental nature of the
    regime in Tehran has not changed despite Hasan Rouhani's ascension
    to the presidency. So far, thankfully, Azerbaijan has resisted
    the pressure and confidently turned its face to the West. In fact,
    Azerbaijan is a valuable and tested ally for the United States. From
    counterterrorism and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
    to serving as a stabilizing force in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan is among
    America's best friends.

    Few, if any, Muslim-majority countries enjoy as close and friendly
    a relation with Israel as Azerbaijan. Last year, for example,
    Azerbaijan's bilateral trade with Israel reached $4 billion, nearly
    double U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral trade. In addition, some 40 percent
    of Israel's oil imports come from Azerbaijan. Recently, Azerbaijan's
    foreign minister, Elmar Mammadyarov, visited Israel, a visit Israeli
    President Shimon Peres described as historic. Mr. Mammadyarov was
    also the only Muslim foreign minister to address the 2013 American
    Jewish Committee Global Forum in Washington.

    Azerbaijan is also a vital link in the global energy-security chain.

    The 1,099-mile Baku-Tbilisi-Ceghan oil pipeline delivers nearly
    1 million barrels of oil daily to global markets. The Southern Gas
    Corridor project is soon projected to deliver 60 billion to 120 billion
    cubic meters per year of Caspian and Central Asian natural gas to
    Europe - potentially loosening Moscow's iron grip on Europe's energy
    supply. The U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan said during a speech at the
    Caspian Oil and Gas 2013 International Exhibit in Baku that Azerbaijan
    "makes a significant contribution to the energy security of the world."

    I have traveled to many countries around the world, and I know
    that Azerbaijan is not perfect. The Azerbaijani government is often
    criticized over its human rights record. However, considering that
    Azerbaijan - like other former Soviet republics - has scant experience
    with democracy, its human rights record is better than most. In fact,
    Azerbaijan's religious tolerance, inclusiveness and protection of
    women's rights should be recognized. Indeed, according to Secretary
    of State John F. Kerry, Azerbaijan is "a wonderful statement about
    the ability of different religions, different sects to come together
    and live together and to find a way forward." Baku understands that it
    needs to continue to work on its democratic processes and procedures,
    but it is making progress. If human rights are the reason for the
    Obama administration's disengagement with Azerbaijan, then why is
    the administration falling all over itself to extend the hand of
    friendship to the regime in Myanmar - a regime accused of genocide,
    the use of child soldiers, systematic rape, child labor, slavery,
    human trafficking and general political oppression?

    I served with Mr. Kerry in the United States Congress. While we
    were on opposite sides of the political spectrum and rarely agreed
    on anything, I respect his understanding of foreign policy. He
    understands the importance of Azerbaijan as a strategic partner of the
    United States. He understands the unique role Azerbaijan can play -
    because of its centuries-long tradition of peaceful coexistence
    - in international arenas such as the Council of Europe and the
    Organization of Islamic Cooperation. I sincerely hope that Mr. Kerry
    can persuade the academics in the White House - who continue to view
    the world as they want to see it, not as it really is - that it is
    critically important to reverse the slide of U.S. influence in the
    Caucasus by increasing engagement with Azerbaijan. The logical place to
    start would be to appoint a high-level negotiator to help resolve the
    conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and thereby normalize Azerbaijan-Armenia
    relations. Ending this conflict would be good for Armenia, good for
    Azerbaijan, and it would remove a tool that the Russians and Iranians
    have been using to exert influence over the region.

    Few places in the world, especially in the Muslim world, are as
    welcoming to Americans as Azerbaijan. If we continue to pull away
    from such a staunch friend, we will lose them, and the consequences
    for America will be disastrous.

    Former Rep. Dan Burton, Indiana Republican, was a senior member
    of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and chairman of its Europe,
    Eurasia and emerging threats subcommittee.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress