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Armenian-Argentinean Trade Volumes Increased By 133%

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  • Armenian-Argentinean Trade Volumes Increased By 133%

    13:05, 28 June, 2013

    YEREVAN, JUNE 28, ARMENPRESS: The trade relations between the Republic
    of Armenia and Argentina are characterized by the sustainable growth
    of the import and export volumes. This was stated by the Ambassador
    Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Argentina to the Republic of
    Armenia Diego Ernesto Alvarez Rivera at the seminar held at the Chamber
    of Commerce of the Republic of Armenia. "As Argentina, Armenia as well
    have healthily developing economy and notwithstanding the transport,
    logistics and the distance between our countries, I think we have much
    time to develop the bilateral relations between Armenia and Argentina",
    - said Diego Ernesto Alvarez Rivera, as reported by Armenpress.

    The Head of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Armenia Arayik
    Vardanyan welcomed the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
    of Argentina to the Republic of Armenia and the guests and spoke
    about the century-old relations of the two countries, emphasizing
    the significant role of the Armenian Argentinean community in the
    spiritual and cultural life of Argentina.

    As stated by Diego Ernesto Alvarez Rivera, in 2004 the volumes of
    the bilateral trade made 2,32 million dollars and in 2012 it grew
    up to 5,76 million dollars, thus registering a growth of 133%. It
    was mentioned as well that the import from Argentina to Armenia is
    bigger than the export from Armenia to Argentina.

    The diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the
    Republic of Argentina were established on January 17 1992. Quite a big
    Armenian community lives in Argentina, about 135,000 Armenians. On June
    1 2012 the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Argentina
    to the Republic of Armenia Diego Ernesto Alvarez Rivera handed in
    the copies of his credentials to the President of the Republic of
    Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. Argentina recognized the Armenian Genocide
    in 2007 by the force of the law.

    From: A. Papazian