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Crime Without Punishment And Repentance

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  • Crime Without Punishment And Repentance

    CRIME WITHOUT PUNISHMENT AND REPENTANCE rime-without-punishment-and-repentance-&catid=3:all&Itemid=4
    Wednesday, 27 February 2013 11:20

    Though it is painful to admit, but the chronicle of the Armenian
    nation has many tragic pages. In our recent history, at the end of
    the twentieth century, it inscribed a new sad page - the genocide of
    Armenians in Sumgait committed from 26 to 29 February, 1988.

    Time inevitably runs forward, and it is hard to believe that exactly
    a quarter of a century has already passed since the tragic events. And
    just a few days ago, on February 20, we marked, or rather, celebrated
    another date - the 25th anniversary of the new stage of the Karabakh
    Movement. It was on February 20, 1988 that the special session of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh Regional Council of People's Deputies adopted a
    resolution, legislatively endorsing the will of the people of Artsakh
    to reunite with Armenia.

    They are two different dates - tragic and festive. They are seemingly
    incompatible, but there is an invisible and deep relation between
    them. The two events - the Sumgait pogroms and the session of the
    Regional Council of People's Deputies, which are separated from each
    other for only a week, are closely interrelated. Moreover, if you
    look at them wider, evaluate them in a human dimension, so you'll
    see that they were the reflection of the ethno-psychology of two
    communities - Armenian and Azerbaijani. The heroes of the revival
    of Artsakh were Armenians acting strictly within the law, and the
    anti-heroes of "sumgait" were hordes of bandits, which had trampled
    not only the state laws, but also the norms of human morality. The
    resolution of the session was adopted in a purely constitutional way,
    basing on the free will of the NKAO citizens who sincerely believed in
    the democratic principles of the policy of perestroika proclaimed by
    the Soviet leadership. The reaction to it was the bloody atrocities
    by angry mobs of monsters murdering the innocent people with animal
    cruelty. They murdered them purely on ethnic grounds, only for the
    fact that they were Armenians.

    >>From 26 to 29 February (it was a leap year), the city of Sumgait was
    at the mercy of the crowd intoxicated with blood, as if it plunged
    into chaos. But, it is important to emphasize that the events were
    not spontaneous, as the Azerbaijani and central Soviet propaganda
    tried to present them. Not at all. The seemingly uncontrollable crowd
    was skillfully managed. The monstrous crimes against the civilian
    population were carefully planned by the Azerbaijani authorities
    and were committed with their direct support, which are testified
    by numerous documentary evidences. The goal was simple - by outright
    terror to intimidate the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh and
    to make it give up the national-liberation movement and the very idea
    of reunification with Armenia. And along with it, threatening with
    the prospect of new bloody actions, to make it clear to the Soviet
    leadership the inadmissibility of a positive solution of the Karabakh
    issue. However, the calculations of the organizers of the "sumgait"
    were wrong in both cases. The people of Nagorno-Karabakh, who loudly
    stated about their right to a free life and stood for the defense of
    their own dignity, could not be intimidated. As for the blackmail
    of the Soviet leadership, the Azerbaijani authorities were worried
    for nothing, because the "spiritual fathers" of perestroika did not
    intend to meet the legal demand of the people of Karabakh. Moreover,
    they actually consolidated with the organizers of the Armenian
    pogroms, encouraging them to new bloody deeds by their connivance and
    criminal inaction. And then they concealed them and did not give any
    legal, political, or even moral assessment to that terrible tragedy,
    describing the mass crimes against the Armenians as crimes committed
    out of... hooliganism. It is no exaggeration to state that one of
    the reasons for the collapse of the USSR was the inability of the
    state to protect the constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right
    of its citizens - the right to life. Apparently, a state with false
    ideology and self-righteous leadership sooner or later is destined
    to leave the political arena.

    It is a known truth that impunity generates new crimes. But, it
    also leads to moral degradation and deep crisis of the collective
    consciousness of the society that we now observe in Azerbaijan. For
    a quarter of a century, we have not heard a word of repentance for
    the atrocities - either from the authorities or from the "conscience
    of the nation", that is intelligence. On the contrary, instead of
    condemning the murderers, their glorification has taken place at the
    state level. As a result, the unpunished "sumgait" led to a bloody
    series of "baku", "kirovabad", "shamkhor", "mingechaur", "maragha"...

    The apotheosis of the chain of crimes by the authorities of Azerbaijan
    was the war launched against the NKR, in which the aggressor was
    finally punished. However, it has not learned the proper lesson, as
    the hatred towards Armenians is made the state policy in Azerbaijan -
    the genocidal policy, which is a constituent of Pan-Turkism. And the
    ongoing threats of a new war against Nagorno-Karabakh are another
    proof of it.

    "Sumgait" taught us a lesson, though cruel, but still a lesson. We
    finally got rid of the illusions, having realized an important truth -
    freedom is not begged, but it is gained. We gave it to understand that
    one cannot speak to us on the language of force and threats. That the
    times, when the Armenian population could be killed with cynicism and
    impunity, have irretrievably passed. We have realized that the only
    guarantee of our secure present and future is our own statehood. And
    therefore we must consolidate the entire political, economic and
    moral potential of our people for the development and consolidation
    of this statehood. That will be the best tribute to the memory of
    our compatriots who became victims of the nationalistic policy of

    Leonid MARTIROSSIAN Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
