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Iran's nuclear program: a defiant quest for modernity

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  • Iran's nuclear program: a defiant quest for modernity

    Iran's nuclear program: a defiant quest for modernity

    The Canadian Jewish News
    Friday, March 1, 2013

    By Sheldon Kirshner, Staff Reporter

    Iran's quest to build a nuclear arsenal by hook or by crook has
    degenerated into a global crisis, having consumed the efforts of
    diplomats for the past decade.

    Israel's threat to bomb Iranian nuclear sites, combined with
    U.S. President Barack Obama's determination `to prevent [Iran] from
    getting a nuclear weapon,' as he stated in his State of Union speech
    to Congress last month, only amplifies the issue.

    It remains to be seen whether it can be resolved peacefully, but as
    British journalist David Patrikarakos correctly observes in Nuclear
    Iran: The Birth of an Atomic State (Palgrave Macmillan), the need to
    find a solution is critical. Its resolution, he adds, `will affect the
    world for at least a generation.'

    Although Iran's nuclear program was launched more than 50 years ago,
    the full story of its development, from birth to the present day, has
    not been told until now. With this book, based mainly on primary
    sources, Patrikarakos fills in the gap admirably.

    He's a dispassionate writer, but he doesn't bury his opinions. As he
    puts it, `If the spectre of a possible attack on Iran is deeply
    troubling, the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran is worse.'

    Iran's possession of nuclear arms, he argues, would be catastrophic
    --strengthening the Islamic fundamentalist Iranian regime at the
    expense of its neighbours, further inflaming the already tense
    standoff between Iran and Israel, emboldening Tehran's proxies,
    Hezbollah and Hamas, setting off a regional arms race and prompting
    non-nuclear states in the Middle East to emulate Iran.

    `It is a deeply undesirable outcome, one that must be avoided at all
    costs,' he asserts.

    In his view, the nuclear program offers Iran an opportunity =80=9Cto
    engage with modernity' and `negotiate a place within a perennially
    hostile world.' He adds, `Understand the nuclear program and you will
    understand modern Iran.'

    Iran, unlike its Arab neighbours, has never experienced the impact of
    direct colonialism, but it has been subjected to foreign
    meddling. Iran lost substantial territories to Russia in a war in the
    1820s, and in the same decade, Iran was forced to cede land in Armenia
    and Azerbaijan. During World War II, the Soviet Union and Britain
    occupied Iran, and in the 1950s, a U.S.-backed coup deposed a
    nationalist prime minister.

    As a result, he points out, Iran has been zealous to preserve its
    independence and territorial integrity.

    Iran entered the nuclear age in 1957 when a nuclear training centre
    was established in Tehran under the auspices of the Central Treaty
    Organization, an alliance composed of Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan and
    Britain. Subsequently, Iran signed a treaty with the United States for
    co-operation on the peaceful uses of nuclear technology.

    Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the shah of Iran since 1941, believed that
    nuclear energy would lessen Iran's dependence on oil for domestic
    power, put an end to endemic electrical shortages and place his
    underdeveloped country on a path of industrial and economic progress.

    With German assistance, Iran built its first nuclear reactor in
    Bushehr. By the end of 1978, the eve of the Islamic revolution that
    deposed the shah's monarchy, Iran had a civil nuclear program in

    The Iranian government, having publicly rejected the allure of nuclear
    weapons, signed and ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but
    the shah warned he might revise his policy if `20 or 30 ridiculous
    little countries are going to develop nuclear weapons.'

    The shah's arrogant comment notwithstanding, Iran was really in no
    position to build an atomic device because its nuclear program was
    based entirely on power plants rather than uranium enrichment.

    Nonetheless, as Patrikarakos notes, the nuclear program was probably
    the `most developed expression' of the shah's modernization
    program. Nuclear power, he elaborates, was `intertwined with notions
    of national pride and progress' and personal ambition on the part of
    the hubristic shah.

    Yet in opposition circles, the nuclear program was synonymous with
    corruption, waste and royal excess. Frequent power cuts in the
    mid-1970s led critics to conclude that nuclear power was hardly a
    panacea for Iran's problems.

    The new Islamic regime initially considered the nuclear program
    excessively expensive and ideologically unclean, calling it a Trojan
    horse for western infiltration and imperialism. Nevertheless, a
    decision was taken that nuclear research, particularly in prospecting
    and extracting uranium, should continue.

    Severe electricity shortages convinced the mullahs that the shah's
    nuclear program could be useful. In 1982, with the Iran-Iraq War
    raging, the nuclear program was officially restarted. The program was
    now `an integral part of how the Islamic republic defined itself in
    the modern world,' says the author.

    Iranian scientists living abroad were invited back, and Iran began
    exploring the possibility of signing co-operation agreements with
    Argentina, Pakistan, India and China.

    Convinced that a nuclear deterrent would confer prestige on Iran and
    protect the Islamic revolution from the schemes of its enemies, namely
    the United States and Israel, the regime took concrete steps to
    rebuild the nuclear program,

    Iran secretly purchased centrifuges from the Khan network in Pakistan
    and bought equipment from China. Russia, however, would become Iran's
    chief nuclear partner. In 1994, the Russians agreed to complete one of
    two unfinished reactors in Bushehr.

    Iran's belligerent attitude toward Israel, an undeclared nuclear
    power, prompted the Israeli government in 2002 to warn that Iran posed
    an existential threat to its statehood. With Mahmoud Ah-ma-di-ne-jad's
    election as president in 2005, Israel hardened its policy toward
    Iran's nuclear program.

    By then, Iran had made headway in its covert pursuit of the full
    nuclear cycle and had officially informed the International Atomic
    Energy Agency of its uranium enrichment program, says Patrikarakos.

    United Nations sanctions, he writes, had no effect on its nuclear

    He suggests that Iran's willingness to engage the major powers in
    talks has been little more than a stalling tactic. Iran regards its
    nuclear program as

    `a symbol of a defiant modernizing state' and will not likely abandon
    it in the face of international pressure.

    Iran's defiance prompts Patrikarakos to write, =80=9CThe supreme irony
    ... is that Iran's nuclear program is the ultimate expression of its
    desire for acceptance (but on its own terms) that is pursued through
    the one means that will ensure it remains a pariah.'

    From: Baghdasarian