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Hilary's Fight for Freedom -- Her Crucial Legacy

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  • Hilary's Fight for Freedom -- Her Crucial Legacy

    Hilary's Fight for Freedom -- Her Crucial Legacy

    The Huffington Post

    By Frank Vogl

    No U.S. secretary of state devoted as much energy, time and
    determination to encourage non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in
    many difficult and dangerous parts of the world to speak truth to
    power. Her actions in support of human rights, the building of
    democracy, the strengthening of the rule of law, and opposition to
    government-driven corruption, were remarkable.

    As her successor, John Kerry, now starts traveling the world -- this
    week sees his first overseas trip to Europe -- it is vital that he
    continue to voice unequivocal support for the increasingly besieged
    NGOs in a rising number of countries.

    Right now we are seeing authoritarian governments react harshly to the
    successes that civil society are registering in organizing mass public
    protests and promoting their causes. Accordingly, activists are
    confronting increasing barriers to their operational activity, curbs
    on their ability to undertake advocacy, restrictions on their ability
    to build contacts and communicate widely, and mounting difficulties in
    organizing meetings and public demonstrations. From Russia to Sri
    Lanka, the activists for freedom and against governmental abuse of
    office are under mounting attack.

    Kerry needs to learn from Hilary's example. To illustrate -- on July
    5, 2010, at a meeting with civil society leaders in Yerevan, Armenia,
    Clinton declared: "Democracy requires not just elections, but open
    dialogue, a free exchange of ideas, government transparency and
    accountability, and above all, an empowered citizenry, who constantly
    work together to make their country fairer, juster, healthier, and

    Tirelessly, Mrs. Clinton toured the developing world and Eastern and
    Central Europe to encourage civil society activists to speak truth to
    power and pledge U.S. support for their pro-democracy, human rights,
    anti-corruption agendas. She recognized that government threats
    against these non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and restrictions
    on their activities were rising as a direct result of the success of
    so many of the campaigns.

    The former secretary of state's contribution in support of NGOs
    deserves to be recognized as one of her outstanding accomplishments in
    office. It provided enormous encouragement to activists in many
    countries where they are threatened on a daily basis. Her tireless
    efforts, often to the considerable discomfort of her government hosts
    overseas, improved the standing of the United States in much of the

    She spoke passionately. For example, at an international conference in
    Poland in early July 2010, she recalled the heroes of the Solidarity
    Movement in the 1980s, and then she said:

    "Over the last six years, 50 governments have issued new restrictions
    against NGOs, and the list of countries where civil society faces
    resistance is growing longer. In Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of
    Congo, physical violence directed against individual activists has
    been used to intimidate and silence entire sectors of civil
    society. Last year, Ethiopia imposed a series of strict new rules on
    NGOs. Very few groups have been able to re-register under this new
    framework, particularly organizations working on sensitive issues like
    human rights. The Middle East and North Africa are home to a diverse
    collection of civil society groups. But too many governments in the
    region still resort to intimidation, questionable legal practices,
    restrictions on NGO registration, efforts to silence bloggers."

    But Mrs. Clinton then said:

    "It is our responsibility to address this crisis. Some of the
    countries engaging in these behaviors still claim to be democracies
    because they have elections. But, as I have said before, democracy
    requires far more than an election. It has to be a 365-day-a-year
    commitment, by government and citizens alike, to live up to the
    fundamental values of democracy, and accept the responsibilities of
    self-government. Democracies don't fear their own people. They
    recognize that citizens must be free to come together to advocate and
    agitate, to remind those entrusted with governance that they derive
    their authority from the governed. Restrictions on these rights only
    demonstrate the fear of illegitimate rulers, the cowardice of those
    who deny their citizens the protections they deserve. An attack on
    civic activism and civil society is an attack on democracy."

    The secretary announced the creation of a special fund to help to
    protect embattled NGOs, adding:

    "For the United States, supporting civil society groups is a critical
    part of our work to advance democracy. But it's not the only part. Our
    national security strategy reaffirms that democratic values are a
    cornerstone of our foreign policy. Over time, as President Obama has
    said, America's values have been our best national security asset.
    Hilary Clinton's activities in this area will form a central part of
    her legacy in public office. Her efforts have helped to encourage many
    NGOs, who despite the tightening vice of governmental threats and
    restrictions, continue to wage their increasingly effective
    campaigns. Many of them are deeply grateful for the explicit
    encouragement that they received in recent times from government of
    the United States."

    Frank Vogl is the Author of 'Waging War on Corruption - Inside the
    Movement Fighting the Abuse of Power'

    From: Baghdasarian