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Decision 2013: Hovannisian says parliament matters not the issue in

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  • Decision 2013: Hovannisian says parliament matters not the issue in

    Decision 2013: Hovannisian says parliament matters not the issue in
    `this national crisis' menia_presidential_election
    VOTE 2013 | 01.03.13 | 15:53


    ArmeniaNow reporter

    During an open press conference Friday at Liberty Square opposition
    leader Raffi Hovannisian told the press in reference to the recently
    launched parliamentary discussions that the parliament speaker is not
    his negotiating counterpart, and that he will speak only to the
    incumbent president: `if he has anything to say, I will hear him out.'

    During the Thursday parliament session, speaker Hovik Abrahamyan
    considered reasonable the suggestions that a Heritage member be put in
    charge of a certain field and be part of the cabinet.

    Hovannisian said that he is constantly in touch with his party faction
    members and is well aware of what's happening in the parliament.

    `The Armenian nation's fight involves all possible constitutional ways
    and instances. It is commendable that there are de facto processes in
    the parliament, but those processes are not related to my approach as
    a citizen who has been granted your trust. I am ready to welcome any
    cooperation,' stated Hovannisian, official runner-up in the February
    18 presidential elections challenging the incumbent president's
    victory, and added that if Serzh Sargsyan has a suggestion on
    `accepting this pan-national victory and overcoming this unrest', he
    is ready to hear him out, but that the parliamentary negotiations have
    nothing to do with him.

    To the question on Heritage party's possible participation in the
    coming May elections of the city council, for which the ruling party
    on Thursday presented its list of candidates with Yerevan mayor Taron
    Margaryan in the leading position, Hovannisian said they would decide
    `after overcoming this national crisis'.

    `If the solution the people is demanding is not given to this, we will
    make the decision on our participation in all the other elections
    after that: city by city, town by town, village by village the people
    will re-instate its power,' said Hovannisian, adding that the issue of
    appealing the election results at the constitutional court will also
    be discussed, among others, during Saturday's rally.

    After the press conference, Hovannisian and his supporters went to
    Myasnikyan square, downtown Yerevan, to lay flowers in memory of the
    victims of March 1, 2008 post-election clashes.
