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From `Stone Dreams' to nightmare: Aylisli intends to leave Azerbaija

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  • From `Stone Dreams' to nightmare: Aylisli intends to leave Azerbaija

    >From `Stone Dreams' to nightmare: The disgraced author sympathetic to
    Armenians intends to leave Azerbaijan
    FEATURES | 01.03.13 | 15:35


    ArmeniaNow Deputy Editor

    The scandalous novel by the Azerbaijani writer Akram Aylisli on
    Armenian-Azerbaijani relations will likely cost the 75 -year -old
    writer not only deprivation of the presidential awards and pension,
    but will cause him to leave his motherland. Azeri mass media reported
    on Thursday on the writer's intention to leave the country for Turkey,
    urged out of fear for his life and safety of his family.

    `My works are not published, plays are not performed. My future life
    here is impossible. I made the decision to leave the homeland and move
    to brotherly Turkey,' Azerbaijani media quoted Aylisli's interview to
    the Turkish newspaper.

    Aylisli's `Stone Dreams", novel tells the story of two Azerbaijani men
    who try to protect their Armenian neighbors during the Sumgait and
    Baku pogroms in the closing years of the Soviet Union. (The novel also
    includes a description of violence by ethnic Azeris against Armenians
    during the 1920s.)

    The novel, describing the cruelty of Azerbaijanis against Armenians
    provoked public anger and numerous threats in Azerbaijan, soon after
    it was published in `People's Friendship' magazine last December.
    Protest actions were held in several Azerbaijani cities demanding
    Aylisli's exile from the country; writer's books were burned, while
    the pro-government "Yeni Musavat' party has announced a reward of
    $12,000 to anyone who `cuts off the writer's ear'. Aylisli's wife and
    son were fired from their jobs; in addition, by the presidential
    degree the writer was stripped of all government awards, including
    `People's Writer' title and his monthly presidential pension of

    Armenian and Turkish intellectuals, as well as U.S. State Department,
    OSCE office in Baku and other organizations have issued statements,
    condemning harassment toward writer and urging Baku authorities to
    stop the persecution campaign. Human Right Watch, in particular, said
    that the government of Azerbaijan is making a mockery of its
    international obligations on freedom of expression. `This is shocking,
    particularly after Azerbaijani officials flocked to Strasbourg last
    month to tout the government's human rights record at the Council of

    Aylisli, meanwhile, accused Azerbaijani intellectuals of cowardice and
    indifference to the public debate about his novel.

    "They have always supported my position. However, they cannot openly
    express their opinions because they get salary from the state. The
    free thinking part of the society is openly on my side. Even a group
    of writers from Turkey supported me. But not one politician in
    Azerbaijan has called me, `Aylisli said to

    The writer said that that the purpose of the novel was to send a
    message to Armenians, in particular, to the Armenians living in
    Nagorno Karabakh, that Azerbaijani people see their mistakes and see
    what they did not want to do, but had to do .

    "Time has not yet completely separated us, let us look together at our
    living together," says the writer, adding that now it is the turn of
    Armenian writers for an objective recognition of mistakes that led to
    a major war, which brought misery and suffering to both peoples.

    "I now call on the Armenian writers to tell the truth about the
    Khojaly genocide and other mass murders. Do not blame the people for
    the wars. Those are guilty who use wars to enrich themselves,' Aylisli
    Armenian expert on geopolitics of the South Caucasus, Anjela
    Elibegova, believes that the purposeful hatred toward the author is
    partly conditioned by the Azeri's "wag the dog" policy, as the
    "Armenian thematic is a zero risk action for the government of
    Azerbaijan to divert attention from the really serious problems in the

    "The novel was published in December's issue of the magazine but it
    caused wide public resonance in Azerbaijan, just soon after the
    situation in the country exacerbated because of the unrest in the
    Ismailli. (An Azeri district, where in January, there were clashes
    between protesting residents and police during which the protestors
    burned one of the outbuildings in the yard of the chief executive of
    the district and his car).

    Elibegova said that today in Azerbaijan they don't speak about the
    Ismailli ongoing unrest, or on `Gyulyargeyt", (the scandalous video on
    how MP Gyular Akhmetova asks a $ 1 million from the dean of the
    University for being elected an MP), non combat deaths in army, or on
    other acute problems that only couple of weeks ago concerned the

    Elibegova says the novel also provoked fury and criticism because it
    presented the "National leader" Heydar Aliyev (the father of the
    acting president Ilham Aliev) in unflattering light and contained
    accusation of organizing the Armenian massacres.

    `The fact that the ruling clan never forgave this impertinence is
    openly discussed in Azerbaijani mass media. Nakhijevan clan
    representatives of the ruling elite resented most of all, as Agulis (
    Nakhichevan) massacre of 1919, is a problem first of all for them.'

    Thomas de Waal of the Carnegie Endowment, said publication of the
    novel is a brave act by Aylisli but unfortunately, instead of
    encouraging Aylisli as a brave citizen, Azerbaijani government
    subjected him to pressures, burnt his books, which is regrettable.

    `The Azerbaijani government likes to talk about peace, he even recalls
    how peacefully thousands of Armenians lived in Baku. Unfortunately,
    the pressure on the writer who bravely comments on the conflict,
    brings another impression of delivering a diverse message,' said de
    Waal, the Karabakh conflict researcher in an interview with the
    Azerbaijani service of Radio Liberty. `This speaks about the fact that
    the Azerbaijani society is not ready to analyze history and problems.
    And the most important thing is that it is a characteristic phenomenon
    for two sides of the conflict both the Azerbaijani and the Armenian
    society. "
