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Czech Parliament ready to study Khojaly issue also from the Armenia'

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  • Czech Parliament ready to study Khojaly issue also from the Armenia'

    Artak Zakaryan: Czech Parliament ready to study Khojaly issue also
    From the Armenia's viewpoint

    Friday, March 1, 12:53

    Head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Armenian National
    Assembly Artak Zakaryan sent a letter to his Czech counterpart over
    the pro-Azerbaijani resolution passed by the Czech Parliament
    committee. Zakaryan told media, Friday, that the Czech Parliament
    Committee for Foreign Relations, Defense and Security passed a
    resolution condemning 'ethnic purges' in Khojaly assessing those
    incidents as 'genocide.' The Czech Foreign Ministry has already
    disseminated a statement saying that it bears no relation to the draft

    "My letter was replied positively, and the Czech Parliament is ready
    to study the issue also from Armenia's viewpoint. This will make it
    possible for us to present the true facts of what happened in
    Khojaly," he said.

    Zakaryan called inadmissible Azerbaijan's anti-Armenian propaganda in
    foreign parliaments. He recalled that the incident that happened on
    February 26 in the National Assembly of France when the Azeri
    delegation disrupted a commemoration event marking the 25th
    anniversary of the Sumgait Massacres taking place inside the French
    Parliament. The event was organized by Hay Dat office in France. The
    Azeris refused to stand in observance of a moment of silence for the
    victims. One of the Azeris shouted that he would only stand to
    commemorate "the victims of Khojaly." The state aroused discontent of
    the Armenian delegates and and a brawl ensued before audience members
    broke it up and police cordoned off the room. Immediately after the
    incident, the Azerbaijani ambassador to France arrived in the
    parliament and condemned the incident.

    "In the countries where Baku fails to disseminate misinformation,
    Azeris behave in such way. It is natural that Hay Dat Office filed a
    lawsuit against the Azerbaijanis that provoked the incident," Zakaryan
    said. The politician expressed concern that the countries that fell
    under influence of Azerbaijan may grow in number. Consequently,
    Armenia's diplomatic efforts must be aimed to prevent any attempts of
    anti- Armenian propaganda, he said.
