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Victory and nothing else

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  • Victory and nothing else

    Victory and nothing else
    07:11 PM | TODAY | POLITICS

    In Freedom square HAK deputy Nicol Pashinyan also delivered a speech
    before thousands of gathered people.

    "Dear people, RA proud citizens, exactly 5 years have passed after
    March 1, this very day, when Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan
    occupied the city giving 10 victims. It was that day that they
    suddenly realized the force of free will of RA citizen.

    RA citizen is an unstoppable force. Dear people, they had to stop us,
    the unarmed people with our own army, but it was not the army that
    stopped the people but love. We loved our city so much that we could
    not make war in its streets and we loved so much our army that we
    could not ascend against him",-said Nicol Pashinyan.

    Pashinyan also noted that the people should show their victory on
    April 9 in the Republic Square.

    "We have already reached our freedom here, in this square.We will have
    to make Raffi Hovannisian swear in the Republic Square, in the name of
    our martyred heroes and for the sake of our bright future".

    From: Baghdasarian