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Armenia: Opposition Candidate Campaigns to Annul Election

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  • Armenia: Opposition Candidate Campaigns to Annul Election

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #678
    March 2 2013

    Armenia: Opposition Candidate Campaigns to Annul Election

    Raffi Hovhannisyan did better than expected, but insists he was robbed
    of victory.

    By Arpi Beglaryan - Caucasus
    CRS Issue 678, 2 Mar 13

    Raffi Hovhannisyan, defeated in Armenia's presidential election, has
    been touring the country, telling supporters he is the real victor, as
    part of a campaign to get the results overturned and a fresh balllot

    The United States-born politician's tour of the country, in which he
    has made a point of stopping to chat with members of the public, has
    been dubbed the `Barevolution' - from the Armenian word `barev',
    meaning `hi'.

    Official results from the February 18 ballot show that the incumbent
    president Serzh Sargsyan won easily with 58.7 per cent. But
    Hovhannisyan's unexpectedly high score of 36.7 per cent has galvanised
    his supporters and emboldened him to allege openly that the vote was
    rigged. (See Armenia: Presidential Challenger Rejects Poll Result..)

    Hovhannisyan is head of the Heritage Party, a small opposition party,
    but he appears to have become the focus for anti-Sargsyan feeling once
    the major opposition forces boycotted the poll.

    There is wide popular dissatisfaction about poverty, the sluggish
    economy, and the number of people forced to emigrate to find work.

    `Hovhannisyan became de facto the unifying candidate for the
    opposition,' Yervand Borzoyan, head of the Mitk think-tank, said. `The
    authorities were very complacent as they thought his ratings were low,
    given that his party won only five per cent in the parliamentary
    election in May last year.'

    Hovhannisyan certainly sees himself as a unifying figure.

    `There are no party flags here, there is no Heritage, Dashnaktsutyun,
    or Armenian National Congress. We all understand that this isn't a
    party political fight, but a campaign to get ordinary Armenians to
    return from abroad, for the children to come back to their homeland,'
    he said.

    Hovhannisyan won outright in only one of Armenia's 11 administrative
    regions, Shirak, but he performed well in many towns across the
    country. That trend could be a headache for Sargsyan in future

    Levon Barseghyan, head of the Gyumri Press Club, said that most voters
    in Shirak's rural areas voted overwhelmingly for Sargsyan, so
    Hovhannisyan's overall victory in the region was thanks to the urban
    electorate in Gyumri, Maralik and Artik.

    In Gyumri, the region's main town, he won nearly 43,000 votes to
    Sargsyan's 17,000.

    `People voted for Raffi because the situation in the region is dire,
    and there's a section of society with nothing to lose but its votes,'
    Barseghyan said.

    Hovhannisyan also won in Vanadzor, the third-largest city in Armenia
    after Yerevan and Gyumri.

    Despite winning Kapan, the main town of the southern region of Syunik,
    Hovhannisyan lost overall there. On a visit to the region, he called
    for the dismissal of regional governor Suren Khachatryan and used
    meetings with the mayors of Meghri and Kajaran to accuse them of
    rigging the election results against him.

    In Gyumri, Hovhannisyan's post-election tour drew a crowd of 5,000 or
    6,000. While a smaller number - some 2,000 - took to the streets in
    Vanadzor, locals said that was bigger than any demonstration in many

    Hovhannisyan dismisses criticisms that he has imported American-style
    campaign methods.

    `There is nothing to be ashamed about in greeting people and receiving
    a greeting in return. That isn't some western technique, but an
    ordinary Armenian greeting, which carries great power,' he said.

    Stepa Safaryan, a political analyst with Hovhannisyan's Heritage
    Party, said this post-election tour was unprecedented, and marked the
    launch of a sustained campaign for the election result to be annulled.

    `The people are calling on Hovhannisyan not to take a single step
    backwards. He made a deal with the people and as he's said, he will
    not allow history to be re-edited,' Safaryan said. `These visits are
    an inauguration, the sealing of a compact between a citizen and his

    President Sargsyan's allies do not seem unduly shaken by Hovhanisyan's campaign.

    `Everyone is surprised that Hovhannisyan got so many votes. He
    probably surprised himself,' said Hovik Abrahamyan, the speaker of

    Manvel Sargsyan, head of analysis at the Armenian Centre for National
    and International Studies, wondered whether the ruling elite was being
    too complacent about what seemed a genuinely new trend in various
    parts of the country.

    `This is the first time the population has displayed so much energy
    not just on election day, but after the polls as well,' he said.

    Gayane Lazarian is a reporter for
