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Washington: US Mission to the OSCE Statement on Armenian Presidentia

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  • Washington: US Mission to the OSCE Statement on Armenian Presidentia

    US Official News
    March 1, 2013 Friday

    Washington: US Mission to the OSCE Statement on Armenian Presidential Elections


    Department of US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, The
    Government of USA has issued the following news release:

    The United States congratulates the people of Armenia on their
    February 18 presidential election. We agree with the OSCE assessment
    that the election was generally well-administered and characterized by
    a respect for fundamental freedoms, including those of assembly and
    expression, but some key concerns remain.

    The OSCE found that the media provided balanced coverage and that all
    contestants made use of their free air time.

    We share, however, the OSCE observers' concerns about a lack of
    impartiality on the part of the public administration and the misuse
    of administrative resources that resulted in a blurred distinction
    between the activities of the state and those of the ruling party,
    both during the pre-election period and on Election Day.

    We also agree with the findings that while Election Day was calm and
    orderly, it was marked by undue interference in the process, mainly by
    proxies representing the incumbent, and by some serious violations,
    including instances of pressure on voters.

    The United States will continue to monitor the findings of
    international and domestic election observers, as well as the
    adjudication of election grievances during the post-election period.

    We urge Armenian law enforcement officials to investigate and take
    appropriate action in response to credible reporting of election law
    violations, and we call on all parties to engage peacefully and for
    the government to respect fundamental freedoms and rule of law.

    For more information please visit:
