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Erdogan's Double Standards

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  • Erdogan's Double Standards

    Erdogan's Double Standards

    Al-Monitor Israel Pulse
    March 3, 2013

    By: Shlomi Eldar

    `Turkey and Israel are both vital allies of the United States. We want
    to see them work together in order to be able to go beyond the
    rhetoric and begin to take concrete steps to change this relationship,'
    said new U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry at a news conference in
    Ankara on Friday [March 1]. Kerry also condemned Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his verbal attack two days earlier,
    when he compared Zionism to fascism and called it a `crime against
    humanity.' These two sentences by Kerry express the vast distance
    between hope for rehabilitating the relations with Ankara - and

    In the past, I had thought that it would be possible for Israel and
    Turkey to consider their joint interests and restore their
    relationship in the near future. The leaders of the two countries, I
    had reckoned, would be forced to swallow their pride, if only out of
    Middle Eastern logic. After all, friends are friends, all hell broke
    loose in the Middle East and this is the time to make up and bury the

    But then along came Erdogan's statement this week in the United
    Nations -- which was uttered, by the way, at a U.N. forum, established
    to `improve understanding and cooperative relations among nations and
    peoples across cultures and religions.' This statement certainly
    proved how far off the mark I had been.
    Erdogan is a serial troublemaker. Two-and-a-half years ago he
    quarreled with Israel over the Marmara episode; a year ago he
    quarreled with France; and over the past year he quarreled with
    Damascus, almost to threat of war. If we can rely on commentaries and
    evaluations of the situation, Erdogan's crass verbal exchanges with
    his old friend Syria is meant to help ingratiate him with Cairo,
    Tehran, Baghdad, Qatar and in effect the entire Arab world, in order
    to actualize his megalomaniac aspirations to become the Mukhtar of the
    Muslim world.

    I believed that one day, Erdogan would understand that he could fill
    the tremendous void left by the leaders of the Arab world that were
    deposed or weakened - and diplomatic wisdom would dictate to him to
    soften his position vis-a-vis Israel.

    This `path of wisdom' seemed tangible, attainable, logical and even
    self-evident to me. True, no one believes that a new friendship
    between the two countries could reemerge; a relationship as close and
    courageous as in the past. But even a cold friendship could be
    useful. These hopes/assessments were strengthened when I'd
    occasionally hear leaks about secret contacts between Israeli and
    Turkish representatives regarding an end to the crisis. We even
    received news recently in the Turkish press that Israel supplied
    Turkey with advanced electronic warfare systems for aircraft systems,
    that significantly upgrade the Turkish Air Force's Airborne Warning
    and Control System (AWACS). This happened last month.

    So, I asked myself, if that's not a sign portending well for the
    future, if that doesn't bode well, how else can we explain it? Two
    countries that were friends and became enemies are now taking
    confident steps toward reconciliation.

    But then Erdogan rose to the speaker's rostrum at the U.N. Alliance of
    Civilizations in Vienna, leaving his listeners in shock and causing me
    to feel baffled with myself over my naiveté. `The international
    community should consider Islamophobia a crime against humanity like
    Zionism or anti-Semitism or fascism,' said Erdogan at the stand of the
    startled U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

    `Crime against humanity,' he said.

    That is the moment when the penny dropped. Erdogan's conduct vis-Ã
    -vis Israel is not a reaction or a result of anything. It has no
    connection to diplomatic mishaps or to the failures connected to the
    tragic takeover of the Mavi Marmara ship. It is not connected to the
    various operations of the IDF in the Gaza Strip; it's not even about
    Erdogan's megalomaniac aspirations to lead the Muslim world, for which
    he is willing to sacrifice the long-standing friendship between Turkey
    and Israel. It's not about the impasse in negotiations between Israel
    and [Palestinian Chairman] Abu Mazen and not even connected to the
    ridiculous conduct of former Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, who
    subjected Turkey's ambassador to Israel to the humiliating ceremony of
    placing him on a low seat.

    It is hatred.

    Erdogan simply hates Israel. If we listen carefully to his words at
    the Vienna convention, we realize that he doesn't even try to hide
    it. He simply hates the Israelis and everything they represent with
    such deep, built-in, dark hatred that nothing will help. We should
    have understood this a long time ago, but better late than never.

    `Obviously, we not only disagree with it. We found it
    objectionable. We denounce Erdogan's statement,' Kerry said at that
    same press conference in Ankara during the weekend [March 1], and it
    was good that he said what he did.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who also recently expressed
    opinions similar to those of the prime minister, fixed his gaze on
    Kerry without batting an eyelash.

    And since Erdogan started all this, since he was the one to hurl the
    `crime against humanity' hot potato, the time has come for us to turn
    the history-book pages and consider an item that all Turkish leaders
    in the past attempted to hush up, and even forced those surrounding
    them to deny. Again, I raise the subject here with the requisite
    caution, only because Erdogan himself felt free to run off at the
    mouth. I am referring to something that can only be labeled a `crime
    against humanity,' meaning genocide, that Turkey was connected
    to. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    A few months ago, I visited Armenia. I went on a tour of the genocide
    museum in Yerevan, the capital city. A million and a half Armenians
    were murdered in what is called the =80=9CArmenian Genocide' that was
    carried out during World War I in the Ottoman Empire period, before
    the founding of the modern Turkish state. The museum is located in the
    heart of the capital city, longingly overlooking the Ararat Mountain
    that is holy to the Armenians but located in Turkish territory. The
    museum is full of appalling testimonies and photographs that clearly
    answer to the description of `crime against humanity.'

    Despite the tremendous efforts invested by Turkey in the last hundred
    years to prevent this, dozens of democratic countries in the world
    have acknowledged the Armenian genocide. Dozens of countries - bur not
    Israel, which has avoided recognizing the genocide for years, when
    relations with Turkey were close and even after the crisis with Turkey
    erupted. It seems that some small spark of hope for repairing the
    relations between the countries, prevented Israel from officially
    acknowledging the genocide of the Armenian nation.

    I have no intentions of settling accounts with the Turkish nation, or
    pouring more oil on the fire of the ongoing conflict. But to throw out
    into the air that `Zionism is a crime against humanity' and continue
    to deny the Armenian genocide =80' that's impossible.

    So Erdogan, with your permission, one friendly piece of advice: The
    one who searches for justice must come with his hands clean. Otherwise,
    his search might wake up undesirable ghosts from the past - ghosts
    that you have tried to keep dormant.

    Shlomi Eldar is a contributing writer for Al-Monitor's Israel
    Pulse. For the past two decades, he has covered the Palestinian
    Authority and especially the Gaza Strip for Israel's Channels 1 and
    10, and has reported on the emergence of Hamas. In 2007, he was
    awarded the Sokolov Prize, Israel's most important media award, for
    this work. He has published two books: Eyeless in Gaza (2005), which
    anticipated the Hamas victory in the subsequent Palestinian elections,
    and Getting to Know Hamas (2012).
