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Another week, another Guardian 'biodiversity' scare...

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  • Another week, another Guardian 'biodiversity' scare...

    Another week, another Guardian 'biodiversity' scare...

    The Telegraph (UK)
    March 4th, 2013

    By James Delingpole

    Hello everybody. This is a guest post courtesy of Bufo75. It's a small
    skirmish in the war against what is arguably the global environmental
    movement's biggest lie apart from CAGW - the great "species loss"
    meme. (For the last word on this, read this masterly critique by the
    great Willis Eschenbach of Watts Up With That?) Over to you, Bufo.

    As my avatar Bufo may indicate one of my interests is
    herpetology. When my boys were younger I took them on reptile- and
    amphibian-hunting expeditions all over the world. So naturally
    whenever I read a headline like the one by John Vidal in last's week's
    Guardian `One in five reptile species faces extinction' my gut
    response is deep concern.

    At least it would be if I hadn't read this sort of claim many times

    Scarcely a week goes by without some environmental pressure group from
    the WWF to the Zoological Society of London issuing dire warnings on
    behalf of large animals at the top of the food chain, down to the no
    less aggressive 'butterfly lobby' at the other end.

    In essence the message is - 'Critters are at risk, and it's all your

    But I must confess, this emerging and vocal `lizard lobby' is a new
    one on me. It seems to involve an alliance between the Zoological
    Society of London and the IUCN.

    The 'who' ? You may ask. The 'International Union for the Conservation
    of Nature' no less. Funded by the world's governments, with an annual
    turnover of around $100 million and over 1000 staff in 45 offices,
    they are not anorganisation to be sneezed at.

    They claim to be a 'neutral forum', but tell us that they 'demonstrate
    how biodiversity is fundamental to addressing some of the world's
    greatest challenges such as climate change, sustainable development
    and food security'.

    They also issue the 'dreaded' IUCN 'Red List' of species at risk,
    which categorizes each one according to the perceived threat on
    population size.

    The list of Snakes and Lizards alone names 3755 species from
    'Ablepharus bivittatus' - The 2 Streaked Snake-Eyed Skink of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, to 'Zygastris nigra' of Angola and Zambia.

    Last week the Guardian's Environment Editor John Vidal, cut and pasted
    the report from IUCN under the headline 'One in five reptile species
    faces extinction',even though the original report used the words 'is
    struggling to survive'.

    Alarming stuff, you would say, but are we really about to lose 751 of

    Fortunately not. It's all down to 'lies, damn lies and statistics'.

    Of those 'Under threat' - 47% are said to be 'vulnerable', 41% are
    'endangered' and only 12% are 'critically endangered'.

    Only 90 of them then, out of 3755: it's starting to look better

    But let's look a little more closely at those 90 which are 'critically

    Many years ago, when I first visited the Canaries, there was one large
    charcoal grey lizard which was found on all seven islands. Boys with
    airguns used them for target practice and no-one seemed concerned.

    Now we find that 'Gallotia galloti' (Gallot's Lizard) is not one, but
    eight different species, with four of them described as 'critically
    endangered' and the others listed as being of 'least concern'.

    I will not here try to argue whether each IS a distinct sub species or
    not, but suffice it to say that 'Gallotia bravoana', the one on La
    Gomera, now has its Government and EU funded 'Centro de Recuperation'
    on the island.

    As a herpetologist I applaud this or any other attempt to avoid the
    loss of any species, but let's not get too excited about 'imminent
    bio-diversity loss', the IUCN can only find three out of the sample
    they checked of the 3755 snakes and lizards which are already
    'extinct', and even they might be found by the next search party,
    unless their habitat has been totally destroyed.

    This usually occurs when local people, having no electricity, tear
    down the trees and other vegetation for cooking.

    Sadly, for the Guardian, the IUCN and the Zoological Society of
    London, the threat to the 'critically endangered' Canarian lizards
    comes not from 'Climate Change' or 'Habitat Destruction' but from that
    most-feared of all predators, 'Felis catus'.

    So if you want to help to save a 'critically endangered' lizard, hang
    a large bell round your pussy's neck.
