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HelloTractor or Will There Be Political Analysis?

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  • HelloTractor or Will There Be Political Analysis?

    HelloTractor or Will There Be Political Analysis?

    16:29 04/03/2013
    Story from News:

    The Raffi Hovannisian-Gagik Tsarukyan meeting caused disputes. When
    Raffi went to Serzh Sargsyan's office, he had a lot of arguments to
    justify and protect himself from criticism. The simplest of these is
    Serzh Sargsyan has de facto power and dialogue is important to prevent
    violence and clashes.

    The meeting with Tsarukyan is queer. The meeting was as closed as the
    previous one, and Raffi representing the public shared very little
    information about the meeting. While an ultimatum was put forth to
    Serzh Sargsyan from the open and transparent square to hand power or
    enter into dialogue and the president's administration partly agreed
    with the wording `we are always ready for a dialogue'. The
    Tsarukyan-Hovannisian meeting is not understood.

    A counterargument to this can be another meeting with another actor in
    a series of political consultations after the meetings with diplomatic
    representations and the ARF. In this case, if Raffi sets aside the
    fact that he and his supporters consider him president elect and
    believe in openness and does not hesitate to start a series of
    consultations, including with Tsarukyan who is always `beside people',
    why doesn't he meet with Levon Ter-Petrosyan who has basically
    recognized his victory?

    Controversies are many. Why isn't the dialogue/meeting held at the
    level of mutual recognition. Or if it is organized beforehand, why
    isn't `neutral ground' chosen? Tsarukyan's side stresses that Raffi
    organized the meeting, demonstrating their passive attitude to Raffi.

    The problem has several aspects. First, Raffi finds it difficult to
    handle the responsibility for his statement `I am the president
    elect'. To renounce this statement means to retreat, not to renounce
    means to find resources to continue the political fight. BaREV,
    beautiful orange banners, young civic activists are important but not
    enough for a sustained political movement.

    PAP is the most obvious aspirant, considering its primitive vision of
    politics confined to capital, readiness for `cash' deals to compensate
    for its absence in the political field. In this context, closeness of
    discussions is symptomatic.

    This does not mean that Raffi went to Tsarukyan to ask for resource
    but judging by accompanying circumstances there is logic behind this
    assumption. The problem is that Raffi's actions are irrational, at
    least they appear such, and this meeting can hardly be the result of a
    rational plan.

    However, it is clear that independent from the subjects of cooperation
    Raffi must share the details of the meeting with Tsarukyan if that is
    going to be politically correct. The guarantee of his success will be
    public perception of an open and non-hierarchic personality which will
    sustain civic activity along with the political movement. This
    guarantee will be a fixed asset for Raffi Hovannisian.

    If cooperation with PAP or real politics is preferred, which is
    Raffi's right as a political actor, before asking for the opinion of
    people standing on the square the advantages of cooperation should be
    explained to them. In other words, Raffi must present a `political

    The ANC-PAP cooperation failed in the context of the presidential
    election but at least Ter-Petrosyan's `political analysis' gave the
    supporters of this cooperation a reference point. It is another issue
    whether it was honest or not. At least, the supporters were notified
    and approved the cooperation.
