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Ethiopia: The First Christian Nation? Opinion

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  • Ethiopia: The First Christian Nation? Opinion

    International Business Times
    March 4 2013

    Ethiopia: The First Christian Nation? Opinion

    By Brendan Pringle | March 04 2013 10:19 AM

    For centuries, historians have widely accepted the argument that
    Armenia was the first Christian nation. This important claim has
    become a source of national pride for Armenians and has remained
    virtually undisputed for centuries -- until now.

    According to Ethiopian legend, King Lalibela received help from
    angels building the church to create a New Jerusalem. Created out of
    rock, this structure dates back to the 11th century and measures over
    37 feet high.

    Armenians will likely be up at arms when they learn that a new book --
    `Abyssinian Christianity: The First Christian Nation?' -- is
    challenging their claim, presenting the possibility that Abyssinia
    (modern-day Ethiopia and Eritrea) was the first Christian nation.

    To be sure, the book doesn't conclusively assert that Ethiopia was the
    first nation to adopt Christianity as its state religion. However, it
    will surely challenge the confidence of modern Church historians with
    groundbreaking evidence.

    The Weakness of Armenia's Claim

    Armenia's claim on this meaningful title is primarily based upon the
    celebrated fifth century work of Agathangelos titled `The History of
    the Armenians.' In it, he says as an eyewitness that after the
    Armenian King Trdat III was baptized (c. 301/314 A.D.) by St. Gregory
    the Illuminator, he decreed Christianity was the state religion.

    The truth is that we have no solid proof to support this account. We
    are forced to rely solely on the authenticity of Agathangelos and his
    contemporaries. These historians try to liken the conversion of Trdat
    III to that of Constantine's, even though the baptism of Constantine
    is questionable, as was his own personal `conversion.'

    Michael Richard Jackson Bonner, a linguist at Oxford University,
    contends that Agathangelos had a clear agenda. He `wished to stress
    the independence and uniqueness of the Armenian church ... [and The
    History] is a tendentious compilation, which has expanded and
    elaborated earlier traditions ... and greatly increased the prestige
    of the See of the patriarchs of the fifth century.'

    In addition, recent studies date `The History of the Armenians' to c.
    450 A.D., making it impossible for Agathangelos to have been an
    eyewitness. If Armenia's claim is based on nothing more than oral
    history, how can it hold any more credibility than Ethiopia's own
    Christian legends?

    As for the spread of Christianity in Armenia, historian Peter Brown
    argued that `Armenia became a nominally Christian kingdom' after the
    king's baptism. The Armenian people in fact `did not receive
    Christianity with understanding ... and under duress."

    Where Ethiopia Differs

    The Acts of the Apostles describe the baptism of an Ethiopian eunuch
    shortly after the death of Christ. Eusebius of Caesaria, the first
    church historian, in his "Ecclesiastical History," further tells of
    how the eunuch returned to diffuse the Christian teachings in his
    native land shortly after the Resurrection and prior to the arrival of
    the Apostle Matthew.

    Before the Ethiopian king Ezana, (whose kingdom was then called Aksum)
    embraced Christianity for himself and decreed it for his kingdom (c.
    330 A.D.), his nation had already constituted a large number of

    During the persecutions of Diocletian (284-305 A.D.), commerce ports
    like Adulis, along the Red Sea, served as a sanctuary for Christians
    in exile and the Christian faith began to grow rapidly in these areas.
    Pagans still comprised the religious majority at this time, but as
    historian Kevin O'Mahoney argued, the Christian faith first took root
    in `the upper social classes and gradually spread downwards to become
    the religion of the people.'

    Such was the religious climate that St. Frumentius faced when his ship
    was pillaged by the native Ethiopians at the start of the fourth
    century A.D. The Ethiopian king spared his life, and Frumentius
    received a place of honor at the royal court. In this position, he
    nourished the Christian faith by locating Christians and helping them
    find places of worship. He also educated the king's heir, Ezana, and
    converted him to Christianity.

    For this people, Ezana's conversion became a public conversion for
    Aksum, and Christianity continued to serve as a point of reference for
    the nation. Unlike the case of Armenia, we have tangible proof of this

    Historians have uncovered a public acknowledgement of the Christian
    faith from Ezana. Also, coins bearing Ezana's image depict the cross
    after his conversion.

    As the authors of "Abyssinian Christianity" conclude, `the promotion
    of the new faith developed into the single point of personal and
    public identification and unity for Abyssinians.' Christianity became
    the centralizing force behind the Ethiopian empire, which endured
    through 1974, despite religious and political threats from all sides.

    Can a nation only become Christian if there is an official decree from
    its sovereign? If that were the case, then the Kingdom of Edessa would
    be the first Christian city-state (in modern terms) in c. 218. As we
    see with Abyssinia, and Israel before it, a nation isn't confined to
    political boundaries. Rather, it is defined by a group of people who
    share a common heritage.

    For the Ethiopians, this shared heritage was Christianity.

    Brendan Pringle is a graduate of the National Journalism Center and
    the editor of "Abyssinian Christianity: The First Christian Nation?"
    For more details about the book, visit
