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Jews are Number One Target of Hate Speech in Turkey

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  • Jews are Number One Target of Hate Speech in Turkey

    The Jewish Press
    March 4 2013

    Jews are Number One Target of Hate Speech in Turkey

    Jews were the most frequent targets of hate speech in Turkey, followed
    closely by Armenians.

    By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus
    Published: March 4th, 2013

    A Turkish foundation created in memory of a slain Armenian and human
    rights activist and journalist, Hrant Dink, revealed in its bi-annual
    report on discrimination in Turkish publications, that Jews and
    Armenians are the top targets of hate speech in Turkey, with Jews
    edging out the Armenians as the number one target of hate.

    Hrant Dink, an Armenian who sought to promote Turkish-Armenian
    reconciliation and who fought against many kinds of discrimination in
    his native Turkey, was murdered by three gun shots to the back of the
    head on January 19, 2007. Dink had been charged several times by the
    Turkish government with violating Article 301 of the Turkish Penal
    Code which makes it a crime to "denigrate Turkishness." One of the
    primary targets of this criminal law is the public mention or
    promotion of the Turkish massacres of Armenians or Kurds as historical

    In Dink's memory, the International Hrant Dink Foundation was created
    to promote equal opportunities and encourage cultural diversity and
    cultural relations among all the peoples of Turkey, Armenia and
    Europe, to support the democratization of Turkey and to allow the
    recognition of past nationalism and racism that has afflicted Turkey,
    and work to improve the present so that the past is not repeated.

    One of the projects of the Dink Foundation is a Media and Hate Speech
    Watch, in which periodic reviews are made of all the nationwide news
    publications in Turkey, in order to determine whether and if so which
    groups are the targets of hate speech.

    In the period between September and December, 2012, Jews were the most
    frequent targets of hate speech in Turkey, followed closely by
    Armenians, after that Christians were targeted and then there was a
    big drop-off to the fourth place Greeks living in Turkey. Westerners
    in general and then Greeks make up the bulk of the remaining victims
    of Turkish hate speech, according to the Dink Foundation report.

    About the Author: Lori Lowenthal Marcus is the US correspondent for
    The Jewish Press.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress