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Armenian FM briefs MG Co-Chairs on Baku's breach of agreements

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  • Armenian FM briefs MG Co-Chairs on Baku's breach of agreements

    Armenian FM briefs MG Co-Chairs on Baku's breach of agreements

    March 4, 2013 - 20:04 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian met
    March 3 with OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs Igor Popov, Jacques Faure and
    Ian Kelly, with Personal Representative of the OSCE
    Chairperson-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk present.
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement was in the focus of the
    discussion, with an agreement on the co-chairs' visit to the region
    further reached.
    Minister Nalbandian called the mediators' attention to Baku's failure
    to publish the press releases on the recent two meetings between
    Armenian, Azeri foreign ministers and co-chairs, as well as Baku's
    decision to present reports on issues not on agenda.
    Armenian foreign minister thanked OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs for the
    consistent mission, citing joint statement issued in L'Aquila,
    Muskoka, Deauville and Los Cabos as a proof. Minister Nalbandian
    confirmed Armenia's readiness to continue efforts, aimed at
    exclusively peaceful resolution of the conflict.
