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Republic of Cyprus Reaffirms Respect to Freedom of Religion

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  • Republic of Cyprus Reaffirms Respect to Freedom of Religion


    The Special Rapporteur also refers to the very poor condition of the
    Armenian Monastery in Halefka, which he visited, and he strongly
    recommends the future use by the Armenians of the Armenian Church in
    occupied Nicosia, which was recently restored," it notes.

    Nicosia, Feb 21 (Cyprus News Agency) - The Republic of Cyprus, on the
    occasion of the recent release of a report by UN Special Rapporteur on
    freedom of religion or belief Heiner Bielefeldt, on his mission to
    Cyprus from 29 March to 5 April 2012, "reaffirms its full respect for
    the fundamental human right of freedom of religion or belief."
    In a press release, it is noted that "the Special Rapporteur`s Report
    and his recommendations will be thoroughly evaluated by the competent
    authorities of the Republic of Cyprus."
    "The Republic of Cyprus agrees with the observation of the Special
    Rapporteur that the Cyprus problem does not originate from religious
    differences, as well as with his support for the commendable work of
    the Bicommunal Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage, which should
    be strengthened," it says.
    It adds that, regarding the religious freedom of the enclaved, whom
    the Special Rapporteur visited, "the Report refers, inter alia, to the
    vandalism of religious monuments and cemeteries, the limited presence
    of priests, the intimidation provoked by the so-called `police` taking
    photographs during religious services and the `restrictive and unfair
    handling of inheritance claims`."
    "A reference is also made to the unacceptable placing of the Bishop of
    Karpasia on a `stop list` since January 2012," it says.
    The press release adds that "the Special Rapporteur calls for the
    respect of the fundamental human right of religious freedom, of the
    1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the
    Event of Armed Conflict, and the Third Vienna Agreement of 1975" and
    "also recommends that `the de-facto authorities` should respect the
    right of religious leaders to visit their communities without undue
    "Specific reference is also made to the religious sites of the
    Maronites, to which they do not have regular access since they are
    located in `military compounds` and to the far from satisfactory
    condition of their cemeteries. The Special Rapporteur also refers to
    the very poor condition of the Armenian Monastery in Halefka, which he
    visited, and he strongly recommends the future use by the Armenians of
    the Armenian Church in occupied Nicosia, which was recently restored,"
    it notes.
    It adds that "the Special Rapporteur also reaffirms the close
    surveillance to which the so-called `police` subjects religious groups
    in the occupied part of Cyprus" and that "the reference in paragraph
    49 that a plain clothes `police officer` tried to observe a meeting of
    the Special Rapporteur with the Maronite villagers is indicative."
    "The Report also makes particular reference to the impact of the
    illegal colonization in the occupied areas to the religious identity
    of the Turkish Cypriots, as well as to the imposition of mandatory
    religious instruction in the occupied areas. The oppressive regime in
    occupied Cyprus is also exposed by the non-acceptance of the right to
    conscientious objection to military service," it says.
    The press release notes that, "regarding the references to the Muslim
    sites in the Government-controlled areas, it should be stressed that
    the Republic of Cyprus systematically restores all such places of
    worship and cemeteries in the Government-controlled areas."
    "Moreover, the lack of `minimum infrastructure` to some of the Muslim
    cemeteries in the Government-controlled areas can be attributed, to an
    extent, to the restriction of movement to the Government-controlled
    areas, imposed by the Turkish occupation regime, to the Turkish
    Cypriots for decades," it says.
    It notes that "the Republic of Cyprus fully respects the religious
    rights of the Turkish Cypriots and facilitates their visits to the
    places of worship in the Government-controlled areas."
    "Foreign pilgrims are also welcome to exercise their religious rights
    provided that they have entered the territory of the Republic of
    Cyprus legally. However, the colonization of the occupied areas of
    Cyprus violates the 4th Geneva Convention and constitutes a `war
    crime` according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
    Court. In this regard, while the Government does not disagree with the
    general approach of the Special Rapporteur that religious freedom
    should not depend on `citizenship`, however the issue of illegal
    colonization has a serious particularity which cannot be overlooked or
    minimized," it says.
    The Report will be presented during a plenary session of the Human
    Rights Council on March 5, 2013.
